Page 12 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 12



          Embarking on the exploration of your career path is a journey of self-discovery, and
          personality and career orientation tests serve as valuable guides along the way. As you
          navigate  this  process,  consider  the  following  structured  journey  map,  incorporating
          three renowned tests—MBTI, DISC, and Holland Code—to uncover insights about your
          personality, preferences, and potential career orientations.

                Understanding Yourself - MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
          Begin your journey by delving into the MBTI, a widely used personality assessment that categorizes
          individuals  into  16  distinct  personality  types.  This  test  explores  preferences  in  four  dichotomies—
          Extraversion  or  Introversion,  Sensing  or  Intuition,  Thinking  or  Feeling,  and  Judging  or  Perceiving.
          Understand your natural inclinations and tendencies, gaining insights into how you interact with the
          world, process information, and make decisions.

          Purpose                                               Test links
              Uncover  your  preferred  work  environments          Free Personality Test - 16 personalities
              and communication styles.                             (English)
              Gain  clarity  on  your  strengths  and  potential    Trắc nghiệm tính cách MBTI - TopCV
              areas for growth.                                     (Vietnamese)

                Interpersonal Dynamics - DISC Assessment
          Move on to the DISC assessment, a tool designed to understand behavioral styles in a social context.
          DISC  measures  four  personality  traits—Dominance,  Influence,  Steadiness,  and  Conscientiousness.
          Explore how you approach tasks, handle challenges, and collaborate with others. This stage provides
          valuable insights into your interpersonal dynamics, shedding light on how you work within a team and
          contribute to group dynamics.
          Purpose                                               Test links
              Enhance your self-awareness regarding                 DISC Personality Test - The Kevin Eikenberry
              interpersonal behaviors.                              Group (English)
              Identify your communication and                       Bài trắc nghiệm tính cách DISC - CareerBuilder
              collaboration preferences.                            (Vietnamese)

                Aligning Interests and Careers - Holland Code (RIASEC Model)
          Conclude your journey with the Holland Code, based on John Holland's RIASEC model. This assessment
          categorizes individuals into six personality types—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising,
          and  Conventional.  By  exploring  your  interests,  you  can  identify  career  paths  that  align  with  your
          passions and preferences, allowing you to consider potential fields and industries.
          Purpose                                               Test links
              Connect  your  interests  and  personality  traits    Holland Code Career Quiz - Truity (English)
              to potential career options.                          Công  cụ  Sở  thích  nghề  nghiệp  theo  Holland
              Explore  occupations  that  align  with  your         (Vietnamese)
              unique combination of interests.

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