Page 17 - Career Development Guidebook
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          CECS                                                            ELECTRICAL

          USEFUL RESOURCES                                     SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS
                                                                   Vietnam Robotics Challenge
          Electrical Engineering Portal: A rich repository of
          electrical  engineering  articles,  software  guides,    VEX Rebotics World Championship
                                                                   Competitions from IEEE
          theorem explanations, and research papers.
                                                                   Competitions in ECE fields
          Electronics:  Offers  interactive  learning  objects
          that focus on concepts that cover a broad-based      INTERNSHIPS
          electromechanical program.
                                                               BOSCH:  BOSCH  provides  practical  skills  about
          Electrical  4  U:  A  learning  platform  for  electrical  real-world  projects,  particularly  in  automotive
          and electronics engineering.
                                                               technology, industrial solutions, and IoT.
          All about circuits: A comprehensive resource for     ABB:  ABB  offers  hands-on  experience  in
          circuit-related content, offering technical articles,  automation  and  electrification,  robotics,  power,
          video lectures, and student worksheets.
                                                               and industrial automation.
          Wolfram  Demonstrations  Project:  A  versatile
                                                               VinFast:  VinFast  provides  hands-on  experience
          resource  that  offers  interactive  demonstrations  across  automotive  sectors  like  engineering,
          on computation, mathematics, and engineering.
                                                               manufacturing,  design,  R&D,  marketing,  and
          Virtual  Labs:  Provides  remote  access  to  labs  in  business operations.
          science  and  engineering  fields,  targeting        Samsung  Fresh  Staff:  An  annual  program  of
          undergrad and postgrad students.
                                                               Samsung  Vietnam  for  students  who  have
          MIT OpenCourseWare: Offers web-based access          graduated or are about to graduate in all majors,
          to MIT course content, providing top-tier courses    especially engineering.
          and resources in various fields.
                                                               Schneider  Electric:  Schneider  Electric  provides
          Makezine:  A  hub  for  creative  DIY  projects  and  hands-on  experience  in  various  fields  such  as
          guides,  perfect  for  makers  and  DIY  enthusiasts  energy  management,  automation,  engineering,
          seeking inspiration and project ideas.               and software development.
          Electronics  Weekly:  A  valuable  source  of
          industry-related  news  in  electrical  engineering,  CERTIFICATES
          covering topics in business, design, and products
          while also providing job listings and postings.          Engineer In Training Certification (EIT)
                                                                   Project Management Professional (PMP)
          TutorialsPoint: An educational platform offering         AutoCAD Certified Professional Certified
          tools  and  official  certificates,  especially  helpful
                                                                   Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP)
          for  solving  electrical  engineering  problems  and     Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
          fostering a strong student community.                    Electrical Technician Certification Certified

          Circuit Lab: An interactive platform that enables        Manager Certification (CM)
          users to simulate circuits and create professional       Certified Technical Professional (CTP)
          schematics and wiring diagrams.                          Software Engineering Master Certification (SEMC)
                                                                   Engineering Management Certification
          Hackaday:  Provides  a  wide  range  of  technical       Fundamentals (EMCF)
          content,  including  blogs,  videos,  and  webinars,     Program Management Professional (PgMP)
          focusing  on  electronics  trends  and  connecting
                                                                   Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
          engineers and innovators globally.

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