Page 20 - Career Development Guidebook
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COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                                           CECS

          As someone keen on computers, you'll explore how to create software, understand algorithms, and analyze data, shaping the digital spaces of
          the future. Whether you're building cool apps or figuring out the ins and outs of algorithms, your journey in Computer Science is a hands-on
          exploration where creative problem-solving meets the exciting realm of technology.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)

          Software    development      companies:     The      Software  Engineer:  Designing,  developing,  and
          atmosphere in these companies is often dynamic       maintaining software applications and systems to
          and  driven  by  innovation,  as  teams  strive  to  ensure their functionality and efficiency.
          create  cutting-edge  solutions  that  cater  to  the  Data  Scientist:  Analyzing  and  interpreting  large
          ever-evolving demands of the tech industry.
                                                               datasets  using  statistical  and  machine  learning
          Universities  and  research  institutions:  These    techniques, deriving insights from data to make
          environment is suitable for those with a passion     data-driven decisions.
          for  research  and  academia  as  they  foster  an   Cybersecurity  Engineer:  Protecting  computer
          intellectual atmosphere, encouraging exploration     systems,  networks,  and  data  from  security
          into  the  frontiers  of  computer  science,  and    breaches, attacks, and threats.
          offering  opportunities  to  mentor  and  teach  the
          next generation of computer scientists.              Web  Developer:  Building  websites  and  web
                                                               applications,  focusing  on  front-end  (client-side)
          Government  agencies:  These  agencies  provide
                                                               or back-end (server-side) development.
          some good positions for computer scientists like
          cybersecurity,   data    analysis,   and     the     Systems      Administrator:    Managing      and
          development of critical public infrastructure.       maintaining an organization's computer systems,
                                                               servers, and network infrastructure, ensuring the
          Remote: In recent years, the rise of remote work     overall stability and security of the systems.
          has  expanded  opportunities  for  computer
          scientists to collaborate virtually and work from    Cryptographer:      Employing      mathematical
          home  or  other  locations.  This  trend  grants     principles,  computer  science,  and  information
          professionals  the  flexibility  to  manage  their   theory  to  create  cryptographic  algorithms  and
          schedules and maintain a work-life balance that      protocols  that  are  resistant  to  attacks  from
          suits their individual needs.                        malicious entities.
          Consulting  firms:  These  companies  may  have      Blockchain  Developer:  Building  decentralized
          relevant positions in specific technology projects   applications     (dApps)     using    blockchain
          or challenges.                                       technology,  and  using  programming  languages
                                                               such  as  Solidity,  JavaScript,  and  Go  to  create
                                                               smart contracts.

                                                               Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  Engineer:  Designing
                                                               and implementing AI algorithms and systems for
                                                               tasks like natural language processing, computer
                                                               vision, and robotics.
                                                               Game Developer: Creating video games, working
                                                               on various aspects such as gameplay mechanics,
                                                               graphics, and user interfaces.

                                                               Human-Computer  Interaction  (HCI)  Specialist:
                                                               Studying  the  interaction  between  humans  and
                                                               computers,  aiming  to  improve  the  usability  and
                                                               user experience of digital systems.

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