Page 23 - Career Development Guidebook
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BUSINESS ANALYTICS                                                                          CBM

        A major in Business Analytics equips you with the analytical tools and strategic insights needed to drive data-informed decision-making
        across industries. With specialized skills in data analysis, predictive modeling, and business intelligence, you'll excel in roles that leverage
        data to optimize operations, enhance performance, and drive innovation.

         AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                               USEFUL RESOURCES

         Technology  Companies:  Large  technology  firms      IIBA  Community:  The  largest  and  most
         and  startups  in  Vietnam  often  have  established  professional organization for Business Analysts
         and  dynamic  data  &  tech  teams.  Consider         globally, offering international BA certifications
         companies like FPT, VNG, or Grab.                     such as ECBA, CCBA, and CBAP.
         Financial   Institutions:   Banks,     insurance
                                                               BA  Times:  BA  Times  regularly  updates
         companies,  and  other  financial  institutions  rely  information  about  upcoming  conferences  and
         heavily  on  data  analysis  to  make  informed       features a series of articles from industry experts.
         decisions. Consider companies like Vietcombank,
         Techcombank, Bao Viet, or SSI.                        BAMentor:  Online  training  platform  specializing
                                                               in Business Analysis and is an international IIBA
         E-commerce  &  Retail:  With  the  growth  of  e-     internship partner.
         commerce  in  Vietnam,  companies  like  Shopee,
         Lazada,  and  Tiki  require  Business  Analysts  to   TECHWELL: Having outstanding articles covering
         optimize  their  operations,  improve  customer       various    IT   sectors,   including    Software
         experience, and manage inventory effectively.         Development, Testing, Business Analysis, Project
                                                               Management, and more.
         Manufacturing  &  Supply  Chain:  Manufacturing
         companies  often  hire  Business  Analysts  to
         improve  supply  chain  efficiency.  Consider         SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS
         automotive,  electronics,  or  consumer  goods            Adobe Analytics Challenge
         companies, etc.                                           RMIT Business Analytics Champion (RBAC)
         Consulting Firms: Consulting firms like McKinsey          Future Business Analyst (FBA)
         & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and
         Deloitte offer opportunities for Business Analysts    INTERNSHIPS
         to work on a variety of projects across industries.
                                                               FPT Digital Internship Program: FPT Digital offers
                                                               an Internship Program providing opportunities to
        AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)                                 work  in  various  digital  and  technology-related

                                                               positions,  helping  individuals  gain  hands-on
        Business Analyst: Conducting a thorough analysis
        of   business    processes   and    systems    to      experience.
        recommend  improvements  and  enhance  overall         Techcombank  Future  Gen  –  Tech  &  Data:  The
        efficiency/productivity.                               program  is  crafted  for  final-year  students  or
                                                               recent  graduates  with  under  02  years  of
        Data  Analyst:  Transforming  and  interpreting
        large datasets to extract meaningful insights that     experience,  aiming  to  develop  technical  and
        drive informed decision-making.                        leadership skills for future experts and leaders.
        Business  Intelligence  Analyst:  Developing  and      CERTIFICATES
        implementing strategies for collecting, analyzing,         Google Data Analytics Certificates
        and presenting business data to support strategic          Coursera Business Analytics by UPenn
        planning and decision-making processes.
                                                                   DataCamp Courses and Certificates
        Operations  Analyst:  Evaluating  and  optimizing
        internal  processes  and  workflows  to  enhance
        operational  efficiency  and  contribute  to  the
        overall success of business operations

        Market  Research  &  Consulting:  Conducting  in-
        depth  market  research  and  providing  strategic
        consulting services to clients.

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