Page 27 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 27

CBM                                                     OPERATIONS –
                                                                    OPERATIONS –

                                                                   SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                   SUPPLY CHAIN

          An Operations-Supply Chain major unlocks avenues to excel in the intricate realm of logistics management, supply chain optimization, and
          operational efficiency. With specialized expertise in areas such as inventory management, distribution strategies, and process improvement,
          students are equipped to navigate the complexities of global supply chains and drive strategic decisions to streamline operations across
          diverse industries.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              USEFUL RESOURCES

          Manufacturing  and  Production:  This  sector        Association  for  Supply  Chain  Management:
          encompasses     manufacturing    plants   across     dedicated to advancing the field of supply chain
          various   industries,   including   automotive,      management  through  education,  certification,
          electronics,  pharmaceuticals,  and  consumer        and professional development.
          goods, etc.
                                                               Council    of   Supply    Chain    Management
          Logistics  and  Distribution:  Logistics  companies  Professionals (CSCMP): committed to advancing
          manage  the  movement  of  goods,  including         supply  chain  management  through  education,
          warehousing, transportation, and distribution.       research, and networking.

          Retail  and  E-commerce:  This  sector  involves     VILAS  –  Vietnam  Logistics  and  Aviation  School,
          supply chain and operations roles in retail and e-   VILAS Supply Chain Club (VSCC):  a community -
          commerce  companies,  including  inventory           consult  and  educate  logistic,  supply  chain.
          management, logistics, and fulfillment.              Vietnam  Supply  Chain  Challenge  2023  (VSCC
                                                               2023),  led  by  VILAS,  organize  competition,
          Consulting  and  Advisory:  Consulting  firms  offer
          expertise  to  businesses  seeking  to  improve      challenges and activities.
          operations and supply chain efficiency, with roles   Asia  Trans  Group:  a  prominent  logistics  and
          such  as  supply  chain  consulting  and  operations  transportation  company  in  Malaysia,  offering
          analysis, etc.                                       comprehensive supply chain solutions.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)                               SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS

          Logistics  Management  Specialist:  Managing  the        IEOM Supply Chain and Logistics Competition
          movement,  storage,  and  delivery  of  goods,  as       CEL Future Supply Chain Talent
          well  as  streamlining  supply  chain  processes  for    Championship
          optimal efficiency.
          Operations  Analyst:  Improving  and  overseeing
          operational  processes,  ensuring  a  seamless       Nestlé:  Nestlé  hire  students  for  apprenticeship
          workflow, and enhancing overall efficiency.          and  internship  programs  worldwide,  into  entry-

          Procurement Specialist: Sourcing and negotiating     level  roles  that  offer  responsibility,  autonomy
          for  goods  and  services,  securing  cost-effective  and best-in-class training.
          and reliable supplies for the organization.
                                                               DHL:  DHL  is  a  global  logistics  and  international
          Project  Manager:  Planning,  executing,  and        shipping  corporation.  They  provide  seasonal
          monitoring  projects  to  ensure  they  are          internship  opportunities,  especially  suitable  for
          completed on time, within scope, and on budget.
                                                               logistics, business, supply chain-related students.
          Supply  Chain  Specialist:  Optimizing  the  end-to-
          end  flow  of  goods  and  information  in  supply
          chains,  focusing  on  inventory  management  and    CERTIFICATES
          demand forecasting for efficiency and cost savings.  Recommended certificates for this career path:
                                                                   Certificates from ASCM
                                                                   Certificates  from ISM

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