Page 30 - Career Development Guidebook
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NURSING                                                                                    CHS

          Nursing career is a commitment to a path of compassion and profound impact on healthcare. As a nurse, you become a crucial part of
          the healthcare ecosystem, providing essential patient care, advocating for well-being, and contributing to a field that blends expertise
          with empathy.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)

          Hospitals  &  Clinics:  Working  in  various         Staff  Nurse:  Working  in  hospitals,  clinics,  and
          departments  such  as  medical-surgery,  pediatric,  other  healthcare  settings  to  provide  direct
          emergency, or critical care units, etc., or working  patient care. This is the most common entry-level
          at plastic surgery clinics.                          position for nursing graduates.
          Pharmaceutical  Companies:  Working  in  clinical    Specialized  Nursing  Roles:  Specializing  in  a
          trials, drug safety, or medical affairs. Some of the  particular  area  such  as  pediatrics,  geriatrics,
          leading pharmaceutical companies are Traphaco,       critical  care,  oncology,  psychiatric  nursing,  or
          Imexpharm, etc.                                      maternal health.
          Educational  Institutions:  Providing  healthcare,   Community      Health    Nurse:    Working     in
          responding to illnesses, or working as educators.    community health settings, providing healthcare
                                                               services  to  individuals  and  families  in  the
          International   organizations/NGOs:     Seeking
          nursing  professionals  to  support  healthcare  and  community.  This  may  involve  health  education,
          humanitarian  efforts  like  WHO,  Save  the         preventive care, and community outreach.
          Children,  Médecins  Sans  Frontières  (Doctors      Public  Health  Nurse:  Working  in  government
          Without Borders), or other agencies that work on     health departments, NGOs, or community health
          health issues.                                       organizations,  focusing  on  preventive  care,
                                                               health education, and community outreach.
          Research  Institutions:  Working  in  medical
          universities, such as HMU, HueUMP, HCM UMP,          Nurse  Educator:  Teaching  in  nursing  schools  or
          etc.,  National  Institute  of  Hygiene  and         conducting  training  programs  for  healthcare
          Epidemiology  (NIHE),  Institute  of  Tropical       professionals.
          Medicine  in  HCMC,  or  Vietnamese  Nurses          Research  Nurse:  Working  in  research  settings,
          Association (VNA), etc.
                                                               assisting in clinical trials, conducting studies, and
          Health  insurance  companies:  explain  medical      contributing to the advancement of nursing and
          issues  to  non-medical  colleagues  and  interpret  healthcare knowledge.
          medical records for health insurance companies.
                                                               Nurse Practitioner (NP): In some cases, advanced
                                                               education  and  additional  certifications  may
                                                               enable  you  to  become  a  nurse  practitioner,
                                                               allowing  you  to  diagnose  and  treat  certain
                                                               medical  conditions,  prescribe  medications,  and
                                                               provide advanced care.

                                                               International      Opportunities:      Exploring
                                                               opportunities  to  work  internationally,  either
                                                               through  collaborations,  exchange  programs  or
                                                               seeking  employment  in  other  countries,  offices,
                                                               health insurance companies, etc.
                                                               Entrepreneurs:     Starting   healthcare-related
                                                               businesses,  such  as  home  healthcare  agencies,
                                                               wellness clinics, or consulting firms.

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