Page 33 - Career Development Guidebook
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          CHS                                           MEDICAL DOCTOR

          USEFUL RESOURCES                                     SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS
                                                                   Hoa Sinh Championship
          Lecturio: A smart study tool to master concepts
          in  Medicine  via  practical  learning  materials  and   Indochine Physiology Quiz
                                                                   The  International  Medicine  and  Disease
          exams (Students are sponsored by VinUniversity
          to use this resource).                                   Olympiad
                                                                   The  APRU  Global  Health  Virtual  Case
          Amboss:  A  study  tool  that  assists  med-students     Competition
          with knowledge revision via providing thousands          VISHC  Summer  School  2023  Research
          of medical questions, articles, etc. (Students are       Experiences
          sponsored by VinUniversity to use this resource).        Annual Patient Safety Students and Trainees
          PubMed:  A  database  of  medical  literature,           Day
          offering  access  to  research  articles,  clinical
          studies, etc.
          NIH:  Resources  including  research,  publications,
          and other health topics.                             Internships  at  hospitals:  VinUniversity  has
                                                               collaborated  with  many  hospitals  in  Hanoi  to
          Medspace:  Medical  news,  educational  content,     provide practical clinical experience for students
          clinical references, and tools.
                                                               (e.i.  Vinmec  International  Hospital,  Vietnam
          MSD  Manual:  Medical  information  on  various      National  Hospital  of  Pediatrics,  108  Military
          diseases, conditions, and treatments.                Central Hospital, Hanoi Mental Hospital, etc.).
          UpToDate:  Evidence-based  clinical  content,
          including  articles  and  clinical  decision  support
          DrugBank:  A  database  of  drug  information
          including drug interaction, mechanisms, etc.

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