Page 36 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 36

ECONOMICS                                                                                   CAS

         USEFUL RESOURCES                                      INTERNSHIPS

         The  Economist:  This  publication  offers  weekly    EY  Internship  Program:  Ernst  &  Young
         updates  on  current  economic  developments,         Multinational  Auditing  Group  opens  annual
         aiding in their preparedness for university.          internship  recruitment  program  that  attracts
                                                               Finance, Accounting and Economics students.
         The  Wall  Street  Journal:  Regarded  as  the
         ultimate authority in delivering news and insights    VPS  Securities  Internship:  The  company  opens
         on business, finance, economics, and the global       many  internship  positions  for  Economics  and
         factors  influencing  the  world,  it  plays  a  pivotal  Finance students.
         role in enhancing comprehension.
         The  Financial  Times:  A  superb  resource  that     CERTIFICATES
         delivers  news  and  in-depth  analyses  on               Certified Economic Developer (CEcD)
         contemporary business and economic matters.               Chartered Economist Economic Development
                                                                   Finance Professional (EDFP)
         Freakonomics  Podcast:  An  exploration  of               Chartered  Economic  Policy  Analyst  Certified
         subjects that challenge preconceived notions and          International Tax Analyst (CITA)
         introduce     intriguing,   often    unexpected,
                                                                   Certificate in Small Business Development in
         knowledge.  Gain  insights  from  entrepreneurs,          Emerging Economies
         intellectuals, Nobel Laureates, provocateurs, and         Certificate  in  Quantitative  Methods  in
         unconventional thinkers.
                                                                   Applied  Economics  Online  Intelligence
         SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS                             Certificate   Agricultural   and    Resource

         GYEF  Competitions:  GYEF  competitions  provide          Economics (ARE)
         participants  with  opportunities  to  apply  their       Certification  Certified  Business  Economist
         understanding  of  diverse  business,  finance,  and      (CBE)
                                                                   Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
         economic theories.
                                                                   Certified  Management  Accountant  (CMA)
         I-INVEST: An annual event organized by Foreign            Certificate in Global Economics
         Trade  University.  This  is  one  of  the  largest
         economic and financial competitions in the entire
         North for students.
         Economist  Up:  The  competition  encourages  the
         exploration  of  Vietnamese  products  for  global
         markets,  aiming  to  boost  exports  and  inspire
         entrepreneurial  ventures  based  on  academic

         NielsenIQ  Case  Competition:  A  business  csase
         competition  in  the  market  research  industry,
         hosted by NielsenIQ - global leader in consumer

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