Page 39 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 39
Choosing a major in Psychology is an exploration into the fascinating realms of the human mind and behavior. As a psychology student, you
embark on a journey of understanding the complexities of thought, emotion, and motivation, delving into the science of what makes us
uniquely human. Beyond textbooks, your education involves unraveling the intricacies of mental processes and the social dynamics that shape
individuals and communities. Studying psychology is not just an academic pursuit; it is a pathway to becoming an empathetic observer, a
critical thinker, and a catalyst for positive change in the realms of mental health, education, and societal well-being.
AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE) Therapist: Providing counseling and therapy
services in private practice, focusing on areas
Healthcare Institutions: Consider working in
hospitals, clinics, or mental health centers as a such as family therapy, addiction counseling, or
clinical psychologist, counselor, or therapist, trauma therapy.
providing mental health support and therapy to Research Psychologist: Working in research
patients. institutions or universities, conducting
psychological research studies on various topics.
Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and
universities often hire psychologists as school Career Counselor: Working within schools,
counselors to support students' emotional and universities, job placement centers, etc. to help
academic well-being. people make decisions about their career paths
by identifying their strengths, weaknesses,
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs
focused on mental health and social well-being, employment goals, etc.
such as the Center for Studies and Applied Consumer Marketing: Working within marketing
Sciences in Gender, Family, Women, and firms, advertising agencies, businesses,
Adolescents (CSAGA), may have positions for corporations to design, create, manage,
project-psychologists. marketing campaigns for specific products.
Private Practice: Psychologists can establish their Human Resources: Using a psychologist’s
private practices to offer counseling and therapy understanding of people to work withing a
services to clients seeking mental health corporation/business/public sector/NGO to
assistance. recruit, screen, train employees, and overall
management the human resources of the
Community Centers: Community centers and
social service agencies often hire psychologists to organizations.
work with diverse populations, including children Marketing Specialist: Using a psychologist’s
the elderly, and marginalized communities. understanding of people to work for a
marketing/PR firm or within a marketing office of
a corporation/business to design and implement
advertising and marketing campaigns for specific
Clinical Psychologist: Providing therapy and products and services.
assessment services to individuals dealing with
mental health issues.
Counselor: Serving as a school counselor or
counselor in private practice, helping individuals,
couples, and families address emotional and
psychological challenges.
Educational Psychologist: Assisting schools and
educational institutions in assessing and
supporting students' psychological and academic