Page 35 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 35

ECONOMICS                                                                                  CAS

          Choosing  a  major  in  Economics  opens  the  door  to  a  dynamic  exploration  of  the  intricate  forces  that  shape  our  global  society.  As  an
          economics  student,  you  embark  on  a  journey  to  understand  the  complexities  of  markets,  policy  decisions,  and  the  broader  economic
          landscape. Majoring in Economics equips you with the tools to comprehend and navigate the ever-changing world of finance, trade, and

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)

          Government and Regulatory Agencies: Consider         Financial  Analyst:  Evaluating  financial  data,
          roles  in  government  agencies  such  as  the       investment  opportunities,  and  economic  factors
          Ministry  of  Finance,  State  Bank  of  Vietnam,  or  to  make  recommendations  for  investment
          the  General  Statistics  Office.  These  positions  decisions.
          involve  policy  analysis,  economic  research,  and  Policy Analyst: Researching and assessing public
          financial regulation.
                                                               policies  and  their  economic  impact.  This  role  is
          Financial  Institutions:  Banks  and  financial      often found in government agencies, think tanks,
          institutions like Vietcombank, Techcombank, and      and research organizations.
          Bao Viet often hire economists for roles such as     Market Researcher: Conducting market research
          financial  analysts,  risk  managers,  and  economic  to  gather  data  on  consumer  behavior,  market
                                                               trends, and competitive analysis.
          Trade  Associations:  Industry-specific  trade       Academic  Researcher:  Pursuing  a  career  in
          associations   hire   economists   to    provide     academia,  conducting  research,  publishing
          economic  analysis  and  insights  for  their        papers,  and  teaching  economics  at  universities
                                                               and research institutions.
          Consulting  Firms:  Firms  like  McKinsey  &
                                                               International Trade Specialist: Focusing on trade
          Company,  Boston  Consulting  Group  (BCG),  and     policies,  international  economics,  and  global
          Deloitte  offer  opportunities  for  economists  to  market  analysis.  This  role  is  often  found  in
          work  on  economic  consulting  projects  across     government  agencies,  trade  associations,  and
          various industries.
                                                               multinational corporations.
          Academic and Research Institutions: Universities     Supply  Chain  Analyst:  Planning,  analyzing,
          and  research  organizations  may  have  positions   facilitating, managining and monitoring complex
          for economics graduates interested in academic
                                                               worldwide  supply  chains  of  many  companies  to
          research and teaching.
                                                               ensure products make it to their desitinations in
          International  Organizations:  Organizations  like   a timely and cost-efficient manner.
          United  Nations  offer  roles  for  economists         Product Manager: Focusing on product strategy
          involved  in  global  economic  analysis,  policy    to create, distribute, sell and obtain feedback on
          formulation, and development initiatives.
                                                               specific products and services.
          Environmental and Sustainability Organizations:        Loan   Officer:   Helping   individuals,   small
          With   a    growing    focus   on    sustainable     businesses,  and  companies  borrow  money  to
          development,  organizations  such  as  the  World
                                                               invest  in  their  businesses  and  accomplish  their
          Wildlife  Fund  (WWF)  or  local  environmental      goals.
          agencies  may  hire  economists  to  assess  the
          economic  impact  of  environmental  policies  and   Quantitative  Risk  Analyst:  Often  employed
          sustainable practices.                               within a bank, but can also be employed within
                                                               corporations.  Developing  and  using  toolsfor
                                                               managing a bank or business’s risks.

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