Page 37 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 37


         As a communication professional, you step into a realm where the art of expression meets strategic influence, navigating the complexities of
         modern communication across various industries. The journey is not just about mastering verbal and written skills but about becoming a
         storyteller, a mediator, and a pivotal force in shaping the way information flows in our interconnected global society.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)

          Media  Companies:  Explore  opportunities  with      Public     Relations    Specialist:    Managing
          media  companies  like  Vietnam  Television  (VTV),  communication  between  organizations  and  the
          or newspaper organizations such as Thanh Nien        public,   including   media    relations,   crisis
          News, VNExpress, Tuoi Tre News, Magazines for        management, and public image enhancement.
          roles  in  journalism,  broadcasting,  and  content  Corporate  Communications  Manager:  Joining
          creation.                                            the  communications  team  of  a  corporation  to
          Advertising and Marketing Agencies: Companies        develop  and  implement  internal  and  external
          like  Ogilvy  Vietnam,  Dentsu  Vietnam,  or  TBWA   communication strategies, manage branding, and
          Vietnam often hire communication professionals       ensure consistent messaging.
          for  advertising,  marketing,  and  public  relations
                                                               Media  and  Journalism:  Pursuing  roles  as
          positions.                                           journalists, reporters, editors, or news anchors in

          Digital  Marketing  Agencies:  Consider  agencies    print,  broadcast,  or  digital  media  organizations
          specializing  in  digital  marketing,  such  as  Isobar  such as newspapers, TV stations, and online news
          Vietnam or Redder Advertising, which may offer       outlets.
          roles  related  to  social  media  management,       Health  Communication:  Using  communication
          content marketing, and digital advertising.          methods  and  strategies  to  inform  individuals
          Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs          about health care facts and best practices.
          working on various social issues in Vietnam, such
                                                               Brand    Strategist/Manager:    Using    creative
          as  education,  healthcare,  and  environmental      thinking skills to create marketing slogans, logos,
          conservation,   often    hire    communication       and  website  design,  ensuring  each  one  fits  the
          specialists  to  raise  awareness  and  support  their  desired brand image and is consistent across all
          causes.                                              mediums and platforms.

          Corporate     Communication       Departments:       Advertising   and    Marketing:    Working     in
          Consider  working  in  the  communication            advertising  agencies,  marketing  firms,  or  within
          departments  of  large  corporations  operating  in
                                                               the  marketing  departments  of  companies  to
          Vietnam for roles related to internal and external   create,  manage,  and  analyze  advertising  and
          communication.                                       marketing campaigns.

                                                               Content  Writer/Editor:  Creating  and  editing
                                                               content  for  websites,  blogs,  social  media,  and
                                                               other digital platforms.

                                                               Social  Media  Manager:  Managing  and  curating
                                                               content for social media platforms, engaging with
                                                               audiences, and analyzing social media data.

                                                               Nonprofit  and  NGO  Communication  Specialist:
                                                               Working  for  nonprofit  organizations,  NGOs,  and
                                                               humanitarian  agencies  to  raise  awareness,
                                                               fundraise,  and  advocate  for  causes  through
                                                               effective communication strategies.

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