Page 43 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 43

          INTER.             CHARITY AND VOLUNTARY


          The  United  Nations  in  Viet  Nam:  Works  to      The  International  Committee  of  the  Red  Cross
          support  Viet  Nam  to  achieve  the  Sustainable    (ICRC):    An     independent      humanitarian
          Development Goals.                                   organization  that  works  worldwide  to  provide
                                                               emergency  aid,  protection,  and  support  to
          The National Volunteer Center: A national-level      victims  of  conflict,  natural  disasters,  and  other
          organization for volunteer activities.
          Vingroup’s Kind Heart Foundation: A non-profit       SOS  Children's  Villages  Vietnam:  A  Vietnamese
          organization  works  for  humanitarian  and          organization that provides support and resources
          charitable purposes.
                                                               for street children and vulnerable youth.
          Saigon  Children's  Charity:  An  organization       AIESEC-Global  Volunteer:  A  program  for
          removes barriers to education
                                                               volunteering abroad for 6 weeks, allowing you to
                                                               participate in various projects.

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