Page 46 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 46

RESEARCH                                                                                   INTER.

          Spanning  various  disciplines,  research  professionals  delve  into  the  pursuit  of  knowledge,  addressing  complex  questions  and  pushing  the
          boundaries  of  human  understanding.  Whether  exploring  scientific  phenomena,  social  dynamics,  or  technological  advancements,  the
          interdisciplinary nature of research allows for a collaborative synthesis of ideas, fostering innovation and contributing to the ever-expanding
          frontier of human knowledge.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              USEFUL RESOURCES

          Universities:  Working  in  research  centers  of    Google Scholar: A platform offers a wide range of
          universities  or  participating  in  research  projects  scholarly  literature,  including  articles,  books,
          with  professors.  For  example,  VinUni-Illinois    reports, etc.
          Smart  Health  Center,  HUST,  Oxford  University    JSTOR: An online library with academic journals,
          Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), etc.
                                                               books, and primary sources from many fields.
          Research  Institutes:  Working  in  Vietnam          Research  Gate:  A  social  networking  site  for
          Academy  of  Science  and  Technology  (VAST),       academics  and  researchers  to  cooperate,  share
          International Center for Interdisciplinary Science   publications,  etc.  providing  a  job  board  and
          and  Education  (ICISE),  National  Institute  for
                                                               career resources for researchers.
          Cancer Control, etc.
                                                               Zotero: A free, open-source reference manager,
          Private  and  Non-Governmental  Organizations:       helps scholars organize and credit their sources.
          Working  in  environmental  NGOs  engaging  in
          environmental and conservation research.             Mendeley:  A  free  reference  management  and
                                                               academic, social network.
          Research    campaigns,     boot    camps,     or
          competitions: A valuable experience for students     PubMed:  A  free  biomedical  literature  and
          looking  to  expand  their  research  skills  and  gain  research  article  database,  providing  more  than
          exposure  to  cutting-edge  topics.  For  example,   8,000 biomedical journals and books, and other
          IEEE  Student  Competitions,  Google  Summer  of     medicine-related resources.
          Code, Summer School Program (VinUni), etc.


          Researcher:  Engaging  in  data  collection  and
          analysis,  conducting  experiments,  simulations,
          surveys, and interviews.
          Research  assistant:  Supporting  in  literature
          reviews,   data   collection   and   entry,   or
          administrative work.
          Data  Analyst:  Using  statistical  software  and
          algorithms to draw meaningful insights.
          Ethics  and  Compliance  Officers:  Ensuring  that
          the  research  adheres  to  ethical  standards  and
          Editor  and  Proofreaders:  Ensuring  clarity,  and
          accuracy  of  the  research  papers,  reports,  and

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