Page 45 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 45

          INTER.                                             SUSTAINABILITY

         USEFUL RESOURCES                                      OPPORTUNITIES

         GreenJobs: A job board for green experts.             The Center for Sustainable Development Studies
                                                               (CSDS):    A   Vietnamese     non-governmental
         Environmental Science: A comprehensive source
         for environment science search in education and       organization  with  the  aim  of  promoting  the
                                                               volunteerism  movement  and  increasing  youth
                                                               participation in sustainable development.
         Intergrated Sustainability: An organization offers
         comprehensive     sustainability   solutions   for    United  Nations  Industrial    Development
         businesses worldwide.                                 Organization:  A  UN  agency  focusing  on
                                                               promoting  industrial  development  for  poverty
         Greenpeace:       A     global     environmental      reduction and sustainability.
         organization  that  advocates  for  peaceful,  non-
         violent activism to protect the environment and       The  World  Wide  Fund  for  Nature  (WWF):  An
         promote sustainability.                               international    organization    dedicated    to
                                                               protecting    and    preserving    the    natural
         Sustainability  Network:  A  nonprofit  capacity      environment.
         builder that has been serving the environmental
         nonprofit community for almost 25 years.              The  International  Union  for  Conservation  of
                                                               Nature  and  Natural  Resources  (IUCN):  An
         The  Institute  of  Conservation:  The  professional  intergovernmental  organization  that  aims  to
         charitable body, representing and supporting the      conserve and protect the environment, including
         practice and profession of conservation.              biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural resources.
         Sustainability  in  Singapore:  A  user  engagement   Net  Zero  Challenge:  Vietnam's  leading  climate-
         training program.                                     tech innovation challenge.
         United  Nations  (UN):  An  organization  plays  a
         pivotal  role  in  advancing  global  sustainability
         careers and initiatives.
         The  International  Institute  for  Sustainable
         Development       (IISD):   A   leading    global
         organization  dedicated  to  advancing  sustainable
         development  through  research,  policy  analysis,
         and advocacy.
         WasteAids:      An     organization    enpowers
         communities to tackle waste pollution globally.

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