Page 44 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 44

SUSTAINABILITY                                                                             INTER.

          As the world prioritizes sustainability, the sector's potential in Vietnam and ASEAN continues to grow, making it an appealing and impactful
          choice  for  professionals  and  job  seekers  alike.  As  an  interdisciplinary  professional  in  sustainability,  you  navigate  the  intersections  of
          environmental science, economics, social  equity, and technological  innovation.  This  career journey is a dynamic  exploration,  where the
          synthesis of diverse perspectives converges to create sustainable solutions for a resilient and harmonious future.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)

          Government  and  Public  Sector  (including          Urban Planner: Creating efficient land use plans
          Nonprofit  Organizations  and  NGOs):  Engaged  in   for  sustainable  communities,  road  systems,  and
          sustainability policy, environmental conservation,   city  layouts  while  adhering  to  environmental
          and  community  development,  with  a  focus  on     regulations.
          addressing    societal    and     environmental      Environmental  Consultant:  Offering  advice  on
                                                               environmental  issues  like  pollution,  partnering
          Consulting  Firms:  Offer  expertise  to  businesses  with  clients  to  ensure  compliance  with
          and  organizations,  guiding  them  in  enhancing    regulations, and providing sustainable strategies.
          sustainability  practices,  reducing  environmental
                                                               Environmental  Engineer:  Applying  engineering
          impact, and achieving sustainability objectives.
                                                               principles  to  address  environmental  issues,
          Energy,  Utility,  and  Manufacturing  Companies:    improve  public  health,  and  develop  waste
          These  entities  integrate  energy  solutions  and   disposal and pollution control plans.
          sustainability  practices  into  their  operations,  Energy  Manager:  Developing  resource-efficient
          aiming  to  reduce  their  environmental  footprint  strategies,  conducting  audits,  and  researching
          and promote clean energy alternatives.
                                                               clean    energy     technologies    to    reduce
          Academic and Research Institutions: Universities     consumption and costs.
          and  research  organizations  contribute  to
                                                               Sustainability  Engineer:  Designing  renewable
          sustainability  through  research,  education,  and  energy  projects,  assessing  sites,  and  using
          program  development,  fostering  innovation  and    computer-aided  design  to  increase  energy
          knowledge in the field.
                                                               efficiency in both office and field settings.
                                                               Environmental  Geologist:  Studying  Earth's
                                                               history,    ecosystems,      and      supporting
                                                               sustainability  initiatives  by  contributing  to
                                                               alternative  energy  discoveries  and  advising
                                                               energy companies.

                                                               Ecologist: Using expertise in biology and ecology
                                                               to  analyze  human  impacts  on  the  environment,
                                                               develop  sustainable  solutions,  and  work  across
                                                               various sectors.

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