Page 26 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 26

ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                                            C  B  M

          An Entrepreneurship major ignites opportunities for innovation and business leadership, equipping students to identify market gaps, develop
          strategic  plans,  and  launch  ventures.  With  a  focus  on  creativity,  leadership,  and  strategic  thinking,  students  explore  the  entrepreneurial
          journey from ideation to execution, preparing to thrive in dynamic business environments and drive impactful change.

          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE)                              USEFUL RESOURCES
          Startups:  Many  entrepreneurship  graduates         Vietnam  National  Innovation  Center  (NIC):
          choose to launch their own startups or join early-   Government  controlled,  fostering  Vietnam's
          stage  startups,  with  roles  as  founders,  co-    startup  and  innovation  ecosystem  to  drive
          founders, or key team members, contributing to       economic growth.
          the development and growth of new businesses.
                                                               Vietnam  Angel  Network  (VAN):  A  network  of
          Corporate  Innovation  Departments/Projects:         angel  investors  who  provide  funding  to  early-
          Large  corporations  work  on  developing  and       stage startups in Vietnam.
          implementing new ideas, products, or processes
          to keep the company competitive.                     Entrepreneur Vietnam: A knowledge-sharing
                                                               platform for non-profit entrepreneurship.
          Venture Capital and Private Equity Firms: Make
          investment choices in companies and startups to      InnoEx:  An  international  event  promoting
          generate significant financial returns.              innovation  and  growth  for  the  Vietnamese  and
                                                               regional business communities.
          Consulting Firms: provide advice and solutions to
          businesses  seeking  to  improve  their  operations  ThinkZone  Ventures:  the  largest  local-resourced
          or expand.                                           VC firm in Vietnam, focusing on Pre-seed to Series.

          Nonprofit  Organizations/Government  Agencies:
          Work  for  nonprofit  organizations,  and  social    SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS
          enterprises focused on creating positive social or       Unilever Future Leaders' League
          environmental and economic impacts.                      P&G CEO Challenge
                                                                   L'Oréal Brandstorm
          AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)                                   Nielsen Case Competition
                                                                   SV STARTUP
          Start-up  Founder:  Initiating  and  developing          Khởi nghiệp cùng Kawai
          innovative  business  ideas,  taking  primary            Startup Wheel
          responsibility for the overall success and growth
          of the venture.
          Investor: Providing capital to startups and small
          businesses in exchange for equity, fostering their   INTERNSHIPS
          development and growth.                              The  MENA  Fellowship  for  Entrepreneurs  from
          Mentor/Advisor: Offering guidance and advice to      Halcyon:  Providing  early-stage  entrepreneurs
          startups  and  founders  based  on  extensive        from the Middle East and North Africa with the
          experience,  aiding  in  navigating  challenges  and  resources and support to scale their businesses.
          making informed decisions.                           Masan  Young  Entrepreneur  (MYE):  Nurturing

          Incubator/Accelerator Manager: Overseeing the        and empowering Vietnamese young talents who
          selection  and  growth  of  early-stage  startups    possess entrepreneur spirit and welcome unique
          within  an  incubator  or  accelerator  program,     opportunities to become Masan-Leaders-to-be.
          providing resources and mentorship.
          Business    Developer:     Identifying   growth
          opportunities,   partnerships,   and    strategic        Google Project Management Course on
          alliances  for  startups  to  expand  their  market      Coursera
          presence and reach.                                      Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
                                                                   Project Management Professional (PMP)

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