Page 92 - Career Development Guidebook
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                               PROFESSIONAL SERVICES


                 We deliver the Full View, the world’s most complete and clear understanding of consumer
                                  buying behavior that reveals new pathways to growth

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Finance, Business Analytics,
                                                                   Supply  Chain  Management,  Data  Analytics,
          Ranking:  #1  Global  Data  and  Measurement             Computer Science.

          NIQ,  a  global  consumer  intelligence  leader,     5. PROGRAM
          joined  forces  with  GfK  in  2023,  forming  an
          unparalleled  industry  duo  with  extensive  global     NielsenIQ  Case  Competition:  Candidate
          reach.  Operating  in  100+  markets  and  reaching      groups  consisting  of  3-4  students  from
                                                                   universities nationwide will compete against
          90% of the  world's population, NIQ, an Advent
          International  portfolio  company,  provides  a  Full    each other in 3 rounds.
          View™  of  consumer  insights  through  advanced         NielsenIQ  University  Program:  A  data
          analytics and state-of-the-art platforms.                analytics  training  program  that  allows
                                                                   students  to  explore  the  latest  consumer
          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     trends  for  consumer-packaged  goods  (CPG)
                                                                   manufacturers and retailers.
              NielsenIQ's annual revenue: $5.2 million.
              Processes 5 billion transactions monthly.            Leadership in E2E Operations (LEO): A talent
              The  data  covers  ~74%  of  the  world's            development programme aims at grooming a
                                                                   pipeline of emerging leaders with knowledge
              population (over 5 billion people).
              Tracks 76 million unique CPG items globally.         in end-to-end operations.
              Measurement  services  provide  data  to         For  more  information  about  open  internship
              clients in over 90 countries.                    positions  and  campus  recruitment  events,  visit
                                                               Nielsen IQ Career.
          3. GUIDING VALUES
                                                               6. REFERENCES
                “Values Alignment, People-Centric,
            Continuous Learning, Colleague Inspiration”        Rogers, M. (n.d.). 6 Traits that Will Make You a
          NielsenIQ  brings  together  top  minds  to  drive   Market Research Star. Link
          progress,  leveraging  diversity  for  lasting  impact  Shaping the future together - NIQ. (2022, May
          on work and collaborations.                          11). NIQ. Link


              Potential candidate’s characteristics:
              Analytical, Communicative, Adaptable,
              Curious, Results-Focused (Rogers).

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