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                               PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

                             McKinsey & Company

                                      We accelerate sustainable and inclusive growth

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Finance, Marketing,
                                                                   Business Analytics, Computer Science, Data
          Ranking: 1# Global Consulting Firm                       Science, Entrepreneurship.
          Established  in  1926,  McKinsey  &  Company  is  a
          top-three  global  management  consulting  firm,     5. PROGRAM
          providing  professional  strategy  and  consulting
          services   across    various    industries    to         Consulting  Fellowship  Program  (CFP):  A
          corporations,  governments,  and  multinational          program  offers  McKinsey-led  training  and
          organizations. It leads among MBB companies in           mentorship      to    enhance     participant
                                                                   preparation for applications.
          age,   employee     number,     revenue,    and
          recruitment competitiveness.                             Associate  Intern  Program:  An  8-to-10-week
                                                                   summer  internship  program  for  graduates
          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     holding  a  bachelor’s  or  advanced  graduate
              Spans 133 cities in 67 countries, with a team
              of 30,000+ colleagues with 130 citizenships.         McKinsey  Academy  (for  employees):  Offer
              Hires from 350+ global institutions; invested        tailored  programs  transform  leadership  and
              $200+ million annually in employee training.         operations for bottom-line impact across all
              Allocates  $600+  million  annually  to  build       organizational levels.
              capabilities and develop knowledge.                  Generation  (for  community):  A  global
                                                                   nonprofit  offers  high-quality  job  training,
          3. GUIDING VALUES                                        operating in 17 countries. With over 77,000
                                                                   learners  trained,  81%  secured  jobs  within
          “Adhere to the highest professional standards,
                                                                   three months of graduation, partnering with
           Improve our clients’ performance significantly,         11,000+ employers.
               Create an unrivalled environment for
                        exceptional people”                    For  more  information  about  McKinsey  career,
                                                               visit McKinsey Recruitment.
          Our mission is to drive lasting improvements for
          clients  and  build  an  exceptional  organization.
          Rooted in values established by our founders, we     6. REFERENCES
          adapt them to guide our strategy and daily client    Our purpose, mission, and values.
          service.  An  annual  reflection  day  reinforces  the  (n.d.). McKinsey & Company. Link
          significance of these values in our work and lives.
                                                               Interviewing. (n.d.).
                                                               McKinsey & Company.
          4. ROLE COMPATIBILITY                                Link

              Potential candidate’s characteristics:
              Personal impact, Entrepreneurial Drive,
              Inclusive Leadership, Courageous Change,
              Problem-solving, Expertise (Interviewing).

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