Page 86 - Career Development Guidebook
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                               PROFESSIONAL SERVICES

                                    Bain & Company

                                   We champion the bold to achieve the extraordinary.

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Finance, Business Analytics,
                                                                   Data Analytics, Computer Science, etc.
          Ranking: #3 Global Consulting Firm
          Bain  &  Company  is  a  global  consulting  firm    5. PROGRAM
          driving  ambitious  change  in  65  cities  and  40
          countries.  Committed  to  investing  $1  billion  in    Associate  consultant  internship  (ACI):  A
          pro  bono  services  over  10  years  for  education,    summer  internship  program  designed  for
          racial   equity,   social   justice,   economic          bachelor’s    degree    candidates,   where
          development, and the environment.                        intensive  training  led  by  experienced  Bain
                                                                   consultants  is  followed  by  a  case  team
                                                                   project with clients.
                                                                   Associate  Consultant  (AC):  A  program  for
              #1  on  Glassdoor's  Best  Places  to  Work  UK      seniors  or  early  working  professionals.
              and #3 on the U.S. list for 2023.                    Selected applicants begin as generalists and
              #1  spot  in  the  Vault  Consulting  50  North      work with a team of experienced consultants
              America for 2023.                                    before specializing.
              Best  Places  to  Work  for  LGBTQ  Equality
              2023, Human Rights Campaign.                         The Gap Year Program: A program for fresh
              Top  100  Workplaces  with  the  Best  D&I           graduates  to  intern  at  one  of  the  most
                                                                   prestigious companies
              Initiatives in 2021, Mogul.
                                                                   Bain  Academy:  A  platform  where  Bain
          3. GUIDING VALUES                                        leaders drive the custom learning programs,
                                                                   blending expertise in design, consulting, and
             “A Bainie Never Lets Another Bainie Fail,
                                                                   facilitation for real-world insights.
                          Diverse Teams.
             One Bain, A Focus on You, Going Further,          For  more  information  about  Bain  careers,  visit
                       Results, Not Reports.”                  Bain Recruitment.
          Bain  prioritizes  an  inclusive  culture,  values
          diversity, and invests in personal growth, offering  6. REFERENCES
          learning  opportunities  and  flexibility.  The  firm  Ritter, S. (2023, November 6). All About Bain
          tackles transformative challenges with a results-    Recruitment Process. Career in Consulting. Link
          driven approach, creating lasting impact through     Awards & Recognition. (n.d.). Bain. Link
          client arrangements aligned with outcomes.


              Potential candidate’s characteristics:
              Problem-Solving, Leadership, Results-driven,

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