Page 83 - Career Development Guidebook
P. 83

                                     DIGITAL SOLUTIONS


                    Creativity, proactivity, faith, and constant change to bring true values for community

          1. INTRODUCTION                                          College majors: Finance, Marketing, Business
                                                                   Analytics, Computer Science, Data Science.
          Ranking:  #1  Market  Share  of  the  Internet  in
                                                               5. PROGRAM
          Founded  in  2006,  VCCorp  is  a  leading  digital
          content  and  technology  company  in  Vietnam.          VC’s  Next  Gen:  A  program  for  students  to
          With over 15 years of experience, it has served          become  specialists  after  2-4  months  of
          more  than  50  million  Internet  users  and  45        internships  and  management  positions  if
          million  mobile  users  through  200+  popular           they  perform  well.  Besides  promotion,  the
                                                                   program  provides  hands-on  training,  real
          websites  in  media,  digital  marketing,  mobile
          gaming, and cloud and tech fields.                       business      challenges,      and      good

          2. OUTSTANDING FACTS                                     Admicro  Sales  Trainee:  A  recruitment  and
                                                                   training program to seek and develop young
              VCCorp's products and services are used by           talents who are seniors or fresh graduates in
              31 million out of 33 million internet users in       the field of business for Admicro – VCCorp.
              VCCorp's  news  pages  attract  2.8  billion         Podcast  “Slide  of  Life”  (for  community):  A
              monthly visits.                                      podcast  where  guests  talk  about  stories  in
                                                                   their lives to bring positivism and empathy to
              Admicro's Online Advertising system displays
              1 billion ads daily.                                 listeners.
              VCCorp's  mobile  platform  serves  16  million  For more information, visit VCCorp Careers.
                                                               6. REFERENCES
          3. GUIDING VALUES
                                                               VCCorp. (n.d.). Internal Culture. Link
          “Innovative, proactive, resilient, ever-evolving”
                                                               Nikoloska, V. (2020, February 6). Five Personality
          Innovation,    proactivity,   resilience,   and      Traits  for  Novice  Web  Developers  |  Cosmic
          continuous  adaptation  define  the  cultural        Development. Cosmic Development. Link
          essence of VCCorp. Every product and powerful
          creativity  reflect  the  passion  of  each  VCer  for
          their  work,  creating  meaningful  values  for  the
          community (VCCorp Culture).


              Potential  candidate’s  characteristics:  Self-
              directed,  Patient,  Open-minded,  Proud,
              Continuous-learning (Nikoloska, 2020).

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