Page 10 - Wild Wing Plantation Management Proposal
P. 10

Management Proposal for Wild Wing Plantation

               Automated Board Approval Process:

               The Board has customizable options to structure the approval process on the portal. Approvals can be
               based on majority vote, singular vote, or unanimous vote. Invoice payment levels can be established for
               different means of handling payment approval. Feedback and communication can be provided along the
               approval process. All of this is done through the portal for transparency and documentation; reducing
               confusion through email clutter.

               Accounting Platform:

                     Transparency: Real-time reporting, tailored reports, all modules integrated with accounting.

                     Security: Two step verification, limited access, authorized user codes, information privacy with
                       payments, and we do not outsource the accounting process.

                     Checks & Balances: Specialized staffing roles for the different accounting processes as well as
                       different staff accountants are used for reconciliation and check processing.

                     Expertise of Team: Large staff with extensive knowledge of accounting and technology.

               Enhanced Features:

               In addition to our core offerings, we provide additional features to assist in decision-making and
               enhance communication, further enhancing the property management experience.

               User Friendly for Owners

               Tradd Management's web-based property management platform has full integration among our
               accounting, work order, violations, and architectural review modules and links automatically to each
               Association's website so that information can be made available.  Platform systems and features serve to
               assist in the decision-making process and real time information flow. The following bullets are feedback
               we consistently get from owners:

                     Easy to set up automatic payments and check balances.
                     Texts and emails regarding events and major work on the property.
                     Property information and governing documents easy to access.
                     Mobile app and website look and navigate the same.

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               1 0 3 9   4 4 T H   A V E N U E   N O R T H ,    S U I T E   2 0 3
               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7                         9
               W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M
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