Page 9 - Wild Wing Plantation Management Proposal
P. 9
Management Proposal for Wild Wing Plantation
Integrated Platform for Communication among all Modules:
Our association management platform offers seamless integration among various modules, including
accounting, work order management, violations tracking, and architectural review. This interconnected
system allows for real-time communication and collaboration among Board members, committee
members, owners, employees, and vendors.
Work Order Module:
Our work order module facilitates the seamless creation and accessibility of work orders for all Board
members, committee members, employees, and vendors. This collaborative platform ensures real-time
communication and transparency throughout the maintenance process.
Our streamlined approach to receiving, following up, and handling maintenance requests prioritizes
vendor accountability and timely completion. We adhere to a rigorous process that emphasizes vendor
responsiveness, quality of work, and competitive pricing.
How it Works and Transparency of Process:
From initiation to completion, our platform orchestrates the entire maintenance process with
unparalleled transparency. Maintenance requests are effortlessly generated through the portal,
reviewed by a manager, and seamlessly integrated into the established board approval process. Each
task is then assigned to the appropriate vendor, with comprehensive documentation and insurance
requirements obtained.
Throughout the work order process, there is access to real-time updates, ensuring accountability and
transparency at every stage. Closeout inspections and invoice approvals are efficiently managed through
the platform, further enhancing documentation and oversight.
Request a tour of our backend to understand the process flow, documentation, and
accountability measurements.
Other Modules:
Our violations module empowers employees to include photos with violation letters, streamlining the
notification process and enhancing clarity. Property owners can respond directly through the
Association portal, saving time and ensuring swift resolution. Similarly, our architectural module
facilitates online requests and discussions for modifications, promoting efficient communication and
transparent decision-making. We also offer more features to assist in the decision-making process and to
further enhance communications.
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1 0 3 9 4 4 T H A V E N U E N O R T H , S U I T E 2 0 3
M Y R T L E B E A C H , S O U T H C A R O L I N A 2 9 5 7 7 8
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M