Page 16 - Wild Wing Plantation Management Proposal
P. 16
Management Proposal for Wild Wing Plantation
Scott E. McNew, CCIM, SIOR
President, Internal Systems
Scott McNew oversees strategic planning and long-term goals. He has over 25
years of real estate experience including project management and working with
association documents.
Scott began his real estate career along the Grand Strand in 1992. In 2005, he
founded the Tradd organization and currently serves as the CEO of Tradd
Capital. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from Clemson
University, holds both the CCIM and SIOR designations, holds a SC and NC real
estate license, and early in his career was a Certified General Appraiser in South Carolina.
Scott is active in the community. He served as a South Carolina Real Estate Commissioner and has served
on the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Board, Grand Strand Economic Outlook Board, Finance
Committee and Chairman of the CID for the Coastal Carolina Association of Realtors, Advisory Board of
the Center for Real Estate and Economic Development at Coastal Carolina University, and moderator for
the properties committee and session member for First Presbyterian Church of Myrtle Beach.
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W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M