Page 20 - Wild Wing Plantation Management Proposal
P. 20

Management Proposal for Wild Wing Plantation

               Hiring Policy

               Tradd Management complies with Equal Employment Opportunity and other local, state, and federal
               labor law requirements. Our policy requires all employees to go through an extensive interview process
               which includes, but is not limited to the following: resume, application process, verification of prior
               employment, reference evaluation, 2 forms of ID (Driver’s license & SS), acquire copies of all licenses
               and credentials, sign office policy and fair housing declaration, complete an employee contract, and
               depending on the position, may include credit worthiness and a criminal background check.

               Training Programs

               During our mandatory bi-weekly meetings, Tradd Management reviews pertinent information identified
               through our local media, SC & NC real estate organizations, CCAR updates, state and national IREM
               updates, and the monthly IREM Journal of Property Management. Our managers must meet continuing
               education requirements and are required to have 12 months of training and direct supervision with the
               Property Manager in Charge prior to being assigned a managerial position. Managers attend seminars
               that address national, state and local management issues and regulations as well as local seminars that
               address cost savings for management operations.  All licensed managers are required to meet
               continuing education requirements.

               Community Events

                 8 4 3 - 8 3 9 - 9 7 8 0   T E  L   8 4 3 - 8 3 9 - 9 5 6 7   F A X
               1 0 3 9   4 4 T H   A V E N U E   N O R T H ,    S U I T E   2 0 3
               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7                         19
               W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M
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