Page 13 - RiverWalk I at Arrowhead Management Proposal
P. 13

ManagementProposal for Riverwalk I at Arrowhead

                                 Mara Love, MS
                                 Director of Communications

                                 Mara Love serves as the Director of Communications for Tradd Management. She
                                 oversees the company’s communication processes and client relationships. She is
                                 constantly assessing processes to ensure property information and two‐way lines of
                                 communication are accessible and effective with homeowners. Mara earned a BS in
                                 Food and Nutrition from Meredith College and earned a MS in Nutrition from East
                                 Carolina University.

                                 Stephanie Graham, MBA
                                 Accounts Receivable Manager

                                 Stephanie Graham serves as Accounts Receivable Manager for Tradd Management in
                                 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She oversees accounts receivables for the financing
                                 department and property policies and regulation enforcement.

                                 Originally from Lake City, SC, Stephanie has resided in Myrtle Beach since 2010. She
                                 holds an MBA Degree from Webster University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in
               Business Management from Coastal Carolina University. Prior to joining Tradd Management, Stephanie
               spent 8 years working in the banking sector of Myrtle Beach.

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               1 0 3 9   4 4 T H   A V E N U E   N O R T H ,    S U I T E   2 0 3
               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7                         12
               W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M
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