Page 8 - RiverWalk I at Arrowhead Management Proposal
P. 8
ManagementProposal for Riverwalk I at Arrowhead
Technological Capabilities
Property Management and Financial Software
Tradd Management prides itself on having the best technology and systems to serve our boards and
communities. One of the systems implemented is the “real time” software system with a tailored
Association portal. This management software has full integration among our accounting, work order,
violations, and architectural review modules and links automatically to each Association's portal so that
information can be made available to Board members and made available or restricted to committee
members, owners, employees, and vendors. The work order module enables us to create work orders
and have them accessible to Board members, committee members, employees, and vendors online so
that everyone can have real time collaboration. The violations module enables our employees to include
photos with violation letters. This helps streamline the notification process and other procedural steps
for easy, efficient, and controlled management. Residents will be able to automatically respond to
violations through the Association portal saving valuable time. The architectural module enables owners
to request and discuss modifications online through the Association portal. We can also offer more
features to assist in the decision‐making process and to further enhance communications.
Tailored Portal for Association
Tradd Management can provide a tailored portal for your Association capable of the following:
association logo or picture, emergency procedures with phone numbers, multiple directories, posting of
Board of Director's meeting information, community financial statements, calendar of events, community
details and guidelines, association documents that are public and password protected, work order service
request and follow up, community generated newsletters, email blasts, and ability to attach PDF files.
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M Y R T L E B E A C H , S O U T H C A R O L I N A 2 9 5 7 7 7
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M