Page 1 - Comprehensive Solutions for Waterway Palms Plantation
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Confidential Report for Waterway Palms Plantation
Comprehensive Solutions for Waterway Palms Plantation Homeowners Association, Inc.
Addressing Key Concerns for Elevating Operational Performance
Bottom Line
Transition: Residents will see the transition as both an upgrade and a positive move forward by the Board:
1. Organizational Structure: Opportunity to set up proper processes and organizational control.
2. Member Benefits: Recognized as an upgrade in productivity and community benefits.
Tradd Management’s Strengths:
1. Experience and Fit: Managing two nearby properties with budgets ranging from $2.7 million to $3.8 million,
Tradd is well‐suited for Waterway Palms.
2. Superior Accounting: Our Accounting Department is renowned as the best on the beach.
Accessibility and Connection:
1. Proximity: Corporate office located 5 minutes from Waterway Palms, open all week for visitors.
2. Strong On‐Site Support: Continuous on‐site staff presence ensures strong connections and support. Tradd’s
main office personnel will regularly visit the property, fostering a strong relationship between the main office
and the on‐site manager, ensuring seamless support and communication.
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T R A D D C O M M U N I T I E S . C O M