Page 3 - Comprehensive Solutions for Waterway Palms Plantation
P. 3

Confidential Report for Waterway Palms Plantation

        2. Harmonious Operations

        Concern: There is a disconnect between the main management office and on‐site staff, causing issues with support,
        communication, and time management.

        Question: How can the main office and on‐site staff work harmoniously and in unison so that tasks get completed
        without the Board’s heavy involvement?

        Solution: Tradd Management ensures seamless communication and coordination between the main office and on‐site
        staff through:

              Proximity Advantage: Main office and accounting headquarters within 5 minutes of the community, ensuring
               faster response times and better support.

              On‐Site Presence: A senior manager or community coordinator on‐site every day except Sunday for continuous
               support and oversight.

              Strong On‐Site Support: Regular visits from main office personnel to maintain alignment with community goals
               and support the on‐site manager. The senior manager will also spend time in the main office to ensure strong
               connections with other staff members involved in community business and accounting, fostering in‐person
               communication and collaboration.

              Integrated Communication Systems: Advanced tools for real‐time updates and information sharing.

              Regular Coordination Meetings: Scheduled meetings to review progress, address issues, and plan ahead.

              Clear Role Definitions: Defined roles and responsibilities to avoid overlap and ensure accountability.

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               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7
               T R A D D C O M M U N I T I E S . C O M
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