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P. 49

                    Performance and Credit Rating

                         Scheme for Micro & Small


                        (An initiative by Ministry of


             Source of the Article:
               published by the erstwhile Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Department of The Institute of Cost
                                                  Accountants of India

               Introduction                                turnover of the units.
               The performance and credit rating scheme was
             formulated in consultation with industry associations,   The Reserve Bank of India (RBI} also recognized
             Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and rating agencies,   the scheme at the time of informing the policy package
             with the objective of creating awareness amongst small   forstepping up credit to small & medium enterprises.
             scale units (now known as micro & small enterprises)   In the year 2005, RBI had informed all banks that
             about the strengths and weaknesses of their existing   ‘The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
             operations  and  to  provide  them  an  opportunity  to   has recently introduced a credit rating scheme for
             enhance their organizational strengths. The Scheme   encouraging SSI units to get themselves credit rated
             which has been launched in April, 2005 has been well   by reputed credit rating agencies. Banks may consider
             appreciated by the various stakeholders. Indian Banks   these ratings as per  the availability and wherever
             Association (IBA) circulated the scheme among its   appropriate, structure their rates of interest depending
             member banks mentioning that the Government expects   on the ratings assigned to the borrowing SME Units’.
             the rating product to help SSI units in accessing credit   RBI reiterates these guidelines every year vide its
             from banks faster and on better terms. Rating under   Master Circular.
             the Scheme is being carried out through empaneled
             rating  agencies  i.e.  CRISIL,  ONICRA,  ICRA,   Objective
             SMERA, Brickwork, India Ratings (earlier known as   The main objective of the scheme Is to provide a
             FITCH) and CARE. The rating methodology under the   trusted third-party opinion on the capabilities and
             Scheme is ag combination of credit and performance   creditworthiness of the micro & small enterprises
             factors including parameters measuring operational,   (MSEs) so as to create awareness amongst MSEs about
             fi nancial, business and management risks. A uniform   the strengths and weakness of their existing operations.
             rating scale, covering the combination of credit and   This is to provide them an opportunity to improve
             performance factors, is prescribed under the scheme,   and enhance their organizational strengths and credit
             which is being  followed  by  all empaneled rating   worthiness, so that they can access credit at cheaper
             agencies. Micro & small enterprises are at liberty to   rates and on easy terms. The scheme Is also to facilitate
             select any of the rating agencies. The entire process   them in increasing their acceptability from the banks/
             of rating is to be completed by the rating agency in   fi nancial institutions, customers/ buyers and vendors.
             a month from the date of receipt of all information
             from the applicant unit. The existing provision under   Strategy
             this Scheme envisaged that the fee payable by MSE   The strategy adopted for implementation of the
             to the rating agencies is subsidized upto 75% of the   scheme Is explained below:
             fee, which is categorized into three slabs based on the   (i) NSIC is the nodal agency for implementing the

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