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                  Is different with various rating agencies and   (vi) Micro &small enterprises have to pay their
                  their acceptability also varies with the users, the   contribution towards the rating fee along with
                  rating fee to be charged by the rating agencies   their application. The payment can be made by
                  Is varying.                                    way of pay order / demand draft drawn in favour
                                                                 of the Rating Agency selected by MSE.
               (v) The rating agencies are free to decide their rating
                  fee which Is being intimated to NSIC at the   (vii) The fee to be paid to the rating agencies shall
                  time of empanelment, so that fee is known in   be based on the turnover of the MSEs which has
                  advance fo the applicant unit as well as NSIC.   been categorized into three slabs. The slabs of
                  The rating fees may, however, be reviewed by   the turnover and the share of Ministry of MSME
                  rating agencies from time to time due to the   towards the fee charged by the Rating Agency
                  competition and the number / size of clientele.  have been indicated in the table given below:

               Turnover                Fee to be reimbursed by Ministry of MSME

              Up to `50 lacs         75% of the fee charged by the Rating Agency subject to a ceiling of `25,000/-

              Above `50 lacs to `200   75% of the fee charged by the Rating Agency subject to a ceiling of `30,000/-

              Above `200 lacs         75% of the fee charged by the Rating Agency subject to a ceiling of `40,000/-

               The balance amount towards the fee shall be borne   combination of credit and performance factors,
             by the MSEs.                                        which include operational, fi nancial, business
                                                                 and management aspects. In order to support
               (vill) The portion of the fee to be subsidized by the   the vendor development, if is proposed that the
                  Ministry shall be released through NSIC after   rating may also cover the ‘capacity assessment’
                  submission of the Rating Report to NSIC by the   of the applicant unit as a part of its Performance
                  Rating Agencies.                               Rating under the scheme.

               Way Forward                                   (iii) The rating serves as a trusted third-party opinion
               (i) The critical importance of the PCR Scheme Is   on MSE’s capabilities and creditworthiness. It
                  also emphasized as, by the stipulations made by   enables MSEs to secure credit from banks and
                  the Government, Ministries, Department and     fi nancial institutions with comparative ease and
                  Public Sector Undertakings are mandated to     favourable interest rates. Rating also facilitates
                  procure minimum of 20% of their annual value   vendors/buyers in judging the capabilities and
                  of goods or services from MSEs. It has also been   capacity of the MSEs for taking a decision on
                  indicated by the policy to develop appropriate   fi nalization of purchase contract with them and
                  vendors so as to meet the target of fulfi lling the   thus helps the overall growth of the MSE sector.
                  20% requirements of bulk buyers, which can     The contribution of MSE sector to the economy
                  be attained leveraging PCR Scheme as If would   will improve by way of higher production,
                  serve as a tool to help in vendor development.  exports and other global competitive advantages.
               (ii) Presently, the rating under the Scheme covers a

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