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lesson2                     tAlk ABoUt FRIends And FAmIlY

                                                                                     ESTER SILVA
                  1 VOCABULARY  Relationships                                        Pedro takes great photos, and
                                                                                     I do, too.
                           02-08 Listen. Then listen and repeat.

                                                               married                   divorced
                                  single             husband             wife ex-husband         ex-wife

                         boyfriend     girlfriend               friends                 co-workers

                           02-09 Listen. Then complete the sentences. Use words from 1A.
                         1.  Tom is May’s  boyfriend   .               4.  Ari is             .
                         2.  Lena and Luis are              .          5.  Ken and Katy are               .
                         3.  Bill and Amy are              .           6.  Pia is Ben’s             .

                         PAIRS  Tell about five people you know or five famous people.
                         My sister is married. My friend David is single.
                  2 GRAMMAR  Negative statements with be; Yes/no questions with be

                     Negative statements                    Note: Use contractions in
                     Subject   Be      Not                  speaking and informal writing.
                     I         am                           I’m not
                     You       are                          You’re not / You aren’t
                     He        is            Ester’s        He’s not / He isn’t
                     She               not                  She’s not / She isn’t
                     We                                     We’re not / We aren’t
                     You       are                          You’re not / You aren’t
                     They                                   They’re not / They aren’t

                     Yes/no questions                  Short answers
                     Be    Subject                     Affirmative    Negative

                     Are   you                               I am.           I’m not.
                           he                                he is.          he’s not. / he isn’t.
                           she       Ester’s friend(s)?  Yes,  she is.  No,  she’s not / she isn’t.
                           we                                we are.         we’re not / we aren’t.
                           they                              they are.       they’re not / they aren’t.
                     Note: Don’t use contractions in affirmative short answers: Yes, he is. NOT Yes, he’s.

                                                                               >> FOR PRACTICE, GO TO PAGE 108
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