Page 25 - Startup 1
P. 25
3 PRONUNCIATION Linking words together
02-16 Listen. Notice the way we link a consonant to a vowel We link words together when
sound. Then listen and repeat. we speak. We link a word
that ends in a consonant
I have a big family. This is my sister. sound to a word that begins
She lives in Miami. She works in an office. with a vowel sound.
02-17 Listen. Mark the consonant-to-vowel links. Then listen
and repeat.
1. These are my parents. 5. My aunt has a good job.
2. They live in New York. 6. She’s an engineer.
3. My brother lives in Canada. 7. My cousin is an architect.
4. He works at a university. 8. He works in London.
PAIRS Practice saying the sentences in 3B.
02-18 Listen or watch. Check (✓) all correct answers.
1. Who lives in Brazil? 2. Who works for Super Cola?
Ester’s uncle Ester’s sister
her sisters her sister’s husband
her mother her uncle
her brother her aunt
her father her cousins
02-19 Listen or watch. Complete the conversation.
Ester: This is my uncle. He in Florida,
and he for Super Cola.
Pedro: Really? Super Cola is a good company.
Ester: Yes, it is. My uncle is a general manager. He
has three kids, and they all
there, too.
02-20 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner.
MAKE IT PERSONAL Tell a partner about your family and friends.
A: My cousin lives in San José. He has two kids. He works for ABC Company.
B: Really? My friend Tom lives in San José.
WALK AROUND Talk to five classmates. Tell your classmates about a friend
or family member who lives and works in a different city.
I cAn tAlk ABoUt wHeRe PeoPle lIVe And woRk.
UnIt 2 21
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26/09/2018 12:28
StartUp Student Book 1 9780134684130.indb 21 04/03/19 10:58 AM