Page 28 - Startup 1
P. 28

PUt It togetHeR

                  1 MEDIA PROJECT

                           02-22 Listen or watch. Complete the chart about Rafael’s friends.
                                 Location          Occupation       Single / Married

                         Show your own photos.
                         Step 1  Think about your family or friends. Choose or take photos of 4–6 people you know.
                         Step 2  Show the photos to the class. Talk about each person. Tell where they live, what they
                                do, and if they are married.
                         Step 3  Answer questions from the class about your family or friends. Get feedback on
                                your presentation.

                  2 LEARNING STRATEGY

                      LEARN RELATED WORDS                             single / married
                      Some words are related. You can learn them      mother / father
                      in pairs. Write pairs of words that go together.

                     Review the vocabulary words in the unit.
                     Write a list of words that are related.

                  3 REFLECT AND PLAN

                         Look back through the unit. Check the things              What will you do to learn
                         you learned. Highlight the things you need to learn.      the things you highlighted?
                                                                                   For example, use your App,
                          Speaking objectives     Grammar
                                                                                   review your Student Book,
                               Identify family members  Possessive adjectives
                                                                                   or do other practice. Make
                               Talk about friends and     Questions with who and   a plan.
                             family                 what
                               Talk about where       Negative statements
                             people live and work   with be
                                                      Yes/no questions with            Notes          Done
                          Vocabulary                be
                             Family relationships                                     In the app, do the Lesson 2
                                                    Live, work
                             Relationships                                            vocabulary practice:
                               More family        Reading                             Relationships
                             relationships          Reread
                                                                                                                                      GET STARTED
                          Pronunciation           Writing
                               The voiced th sound /ð/    Form the possessive
                              Linking words together

          24  UnIt 2

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