Page 33 - Startup 1
P. 33

Stress in compound nouns
                      3 PRONUNCIATION
                 COACH                                                            A compound noun is a noun
                              03-12 Listen. Notice the stress. Then listen and repeat.  made up of two words, like bus
                                                                                  stop. We usually stress the first
                            bus stop  shopping center  drugstore  supermarket     word in a compound noun. We
                              03-13 Listen. Circle the compound nouns. Then listen   stress both words in an adjective
                            and repeat the compound nouns.                        + noun phrase, like small house.
                            1.  a coffee shop              3.  a big room                5.  a gas station
                            2.  a great restaurant         4.  a living room             6.  a new house
                            PAIRS  Check (✓) the places near your school. Then talk about them.
                                coffee shop        bus stop       drugstore      gas station      supermarket
                            There’s a bus stop and a gas station near my school.

                      4 CONVERSATION

                              03-14 Listen or watch. Circle the correct answer.
                            1.  Tina is happy to be    .
                               a.  house-sitting   b.  working   c.  in the neighborhood
                            2.  Tina likes    .
                               a.  libraries     b.  big houses   c.  parks
                            3.  There are no    in the neighborhood.
                               a.  supermarkets   b.  restaurants   c.  parks
                            4.  The bus stop is   the house.
                               a.  next to       b.  across from   c.  down the street from

                              03-15 Read the Conversation Skill. Listen or watch. Complete the conversation.

                              Tina:  So, I hear you’re house-sitting in a big house?  CONVERSATION SKILL
                              Dan:  Yes, it’s a great house and it’s in a             Change the topic
                                                    neighborhood.                     Say So to change the way the
                             Tina:  Yeah? What’s it like?                             conversation is going.
                                                                                      Listen or watch the
                             Dan:   There’s a big park              the house.
                                                                                      conversation in 4A. Raise
                             Tina:  Sounds great.                                     your hand when you hear
                             Dan:   And there’s a coffee shop                         someone change the topic.
                                     the park.

                              03-16 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner.
                                                                                             shopping center
                            PAIRS  Make new conversations. Use these words or your own ideas.  restaurant

                      5 TRY IT YOURSELF

                            MAKE IT PERSONAL  Talk about your neighborhood.
                            There’s a restaurant near my apartment. There’s a pharmacy down the street.
                            WALK AROUND  Talk to five classmates. Tell them about your neighborhood.

                                                                              I cAn descRIBe mY neIgHBoRHood.

                                                                                                               UnIt 3  29

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