Page 38 - Startup 1
P. 38

PUt It togetHeR

                  1 MEDIA PROJECT

                           03-22 Listen or watch. Answer the questions.
                         1.  What place does Pilar talk about?
                         2.  Why does she like it?
                         3.  What is in it?

                          Make your own video.
                         Step 1  Choose a room in your home.
                         Step 2  Make a 30-second video. Talk about the room.
                                Describe what is in it.

                         Step 3  Share your video. Answer questions      shopping
                                and get feedback.                        center

                  2 LEARNING STRATEGY

                      CLAP YOUR HANDS
                      To practice pronunciation, say a word and
                      clap your hands on the stressed syllable.

                     Listen to the audio of compound nouns
                     in the unit. When you hear the stressed
                     syllable, clap your hands.

                  3 REFLECT AND PLAN

                         Look back through the unit. Check the things              What will you do to learn
                         you learned. Highlight the things you need to learn.      the things you highlighted?
                                                                                   For example, use your App,
                          Speaking objectives     Grammar
                               Describe my home        Adjective + noun            review your Student Book,
                                                                                   or do other practice. Make
                               Describe my          placement
                             neighborhood           Prepositions of location       a plan.
                               Talk about things in   There is / There are
                             the home                 Questions with where
                                                    + be
                          Vocabulary                                                   Notes          Done
                                                      Prepositions of
                               Places in the home                                     In the app, watch the
                               Places in the                                          Lesson 1 conversation:
                             neighborhood         Reading                             Describe your home
                               Things in the kitchen    Use background
                               Things in the house  information

                          Pronunciation           Writing
                               The vowel /ə/ in     Complete sentences                                                                GET STARTED
                             unstressed syllables
                               Stress in compound

          34  UnIt 3

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