Page 16 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
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Beginning in 2015, College Credit Plus replaced the Post-Secondary Education Option as Ohio’s dual enrollment
program—it redefines “alternative dual enrollment” programs as advanced standing programs. Eligible students can
take a course and earn high school and college credit that appears on both their high school and college transcripts. All
courses offered through College Credit Plus—even courses offered in the high school—must be the same course that
the college offers. The course must apply to a degree or professional certificate.

College Credit Plus Pathways Example: Kent State University

The Pathways below are designed to be flexible. Students are able to change the courses listed upon consultation with

their high school counselor and Kent State University academic advisor. Course enrollment is based upon placement,

preference, academic goals, high school graduation requirements and course availability.

15 Credit Hour Pathway

      Kent Course Name & Number                Course         Location                    High School College

                                               Prerequisites                              Requirement Credits

ENG 11011 - College Writing I                  Placement      Kent State University English               3

MATH 11010 - Algebra for Calculus              Placement      Kent State University Math                  3

MUS 22121 - Understanding of Music                            Kent State University Fine Art              3

  -OR-                                                                                    Fine Art        3

THEA 11000 - The Art of Theater

PHY 11030 - Seven Ideas That Shook the                        Kent State University Science               3


 -OR-                                                                                     Science         4

BSCI 10120 (STEM Major) - Biological

PSYC 11762 - General Psychology                               Kent State University Social Science        3

 -OR-                                                                                     Social Science

SOC 12050 - Introduction to Sociology

 -OR-                                                                                     US History

HIST 12071 - History of the US: The Formative

Period                                                                                    Economics


ECON 22060 - Microeconomics

                                                                                                          Total: 15 max

30 Credit Hour Pathway – Continuation (includes 15 credit hour Pathway)

      Kent Course Name & Number                Course         Location                    High School College

                                               Prerequisites                              Requirement Credits

ENG 22072 – Great Books Since 1700             ENG 11011      Kent State University English               3

MATH 11012 (BUS Major) – Intuitive Calculus Placement         Kent State University Mathematics           3

 -OR-                                                                                                     3

MATH 11022 (STEM Major) - Trigonometry

COMM 15000                                                    Kent State University English Elective      3

Introduction to Human Communication

GEOL 11040 (Non-science Major) – How the                      Kent State University Science               3

Earth Works

 -OR-                                                                                                     3

CHEM 10060 (STEM Major) – General
Chemistry I

GEOL 11041 – How the Earth Works Lab                          Kent State University Science Lab           1

 -OR-                                                                                                     1

CHEM 10062 – General Chemistry I Lab

PSYC 11762 – General Psychology                               Kent State University Social Science        3


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