Page 20 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
P. 20
Grades will be transferred from previous school to Hudson High School in like form. The sending school official transcript
will be the document used to determine grades, credits and requirements at the time of enrollment according to the
If the received high school transcript presents only percentage grades, the percentages will be converted to the
Hudson High School grading scale letter-grade equivalencies.
If the received high school transcript presents only letter-grades, the grades will be transferred to Hudson High
School in like form.
If the received high school transcript presents both letter-grades and percentage grades, the student will be
given the option to declare, at the time of transfer: (2 options; one or the other)
o Letter-grades listed for all subjects
o Conversion of percentage grades to Hudson High School grading scale letter equivalencies for all subjects
Planning a schedule for the next school year is a difficult task and situations may occur requiring a change in that
schedule. These schedule changes, however, have a serious effect on class size, teacher assignments, and the overall
master-schedule, and therefore, must be made sparingly. The student and parent are urged not to plan a program with
the idea that it can be changed. Once a student selects his/her courses (verified by parents) the School Counseling
Department will not initiate a schedule change unless a compelling educational reason exists.
After the close of the school year no changes will occur unless:
1. there is a technical error in the scheduling process
2. it is clear that the student is academically misplaced
3. there is a scheduling conflict
Several courses require a level of competency to provide a solid foundation for students to build skills upon. With
administrative approval, a student may repeat a course in which they have earned a grade of "C+" or below. The repeat
of the course must occur the following year. When a course is repeated, the higher of the two grades earned will be
included on the official transcript and will be used for Grade Point Average calculation. The lower grade will be discarded.
Course Change Forms are available in the Counseling Office and, although used sparingly, may result in a withdrawal
from a course if approved. Student, teacher, counselor and parent sections must be completed for a course withdrawal
to be considered. Schedule changes for reasons other than technical errors, conflicts, inappropriate placement, or other
legitimate educational reasons will not be considered. Any course dropped, with approval, before the end of the first
nine-week grading period, will be dropped without penalty. After the first nine weeks of any course, no class may be
dropped without administrative directive. Courses dropped after the first quarter may be given a grade of WF
(withdrawn failing), depending on the circumstances.
1. If a student drops a course before the end of the first nine weeks of the course, there is NO PENALTY attached.
It will be deleted from the transcript record. Any course dropped after the first marking period may be
considered failed for the year.
2. The Course Change Form must be signed first by the teacher and then by a parent/guardian before submitting
the form to a unit principal for review. The following are important considerations: