Page 23 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
P. 23

 I am self-disciplined and find it easy to set aside reading and homework time.
 When it comes to learning, I am a self-directed person.
 I am willing to follow the recommendations made by the committee approving my credit flex plan.
 I am willing to revise my credit flex plan according to the specifications of the committee.

Please read: Hudson High School students should thoroughly read the information below. It is important that the
information is understood and followed throughout the credit flexibility offering.

Application Deadlines

Students wishing to take advantage of the Credit Flexibility opportunity must submit a complete application by:

 September 1st               December 15th                                         May 1st (for summer)

***Please note that work submitted for credit will be reviewed on or near the application deadlines. For example: if you

earn application approval on September 1st all work must be completed by December 15th for review by the credit flex

committee. Extensions may be requested through your school counselor as needed.

Program Integrity

In order to ensure the integrity of the learning experience approved under this program, the student will be required

periodically and/or upon demand to provide evidence of progress and attendance. The principal or his/her designee will

be responsible for certifying course completion and the award of credits consistent with the District’s policies on

graduation. If a student ceases to attend or is unable to complete the Credit Flexibility Opportunity for any reason, the

application will be voided.

OHSAA/NCAA Considerations

Students wishing to participate in high school athletics must be aware that Credit Flexibility learning experiences will not

be factored into their eligibility considerations. We recommend that students continue to enroll in courses posted on the

approved NCAA website to remain eligible for participation. Seniors wishing to pursue Division I or Division II NCAA

athletics eligibility are responsible for ensuring that they will meet the appropriate requirements. OHSAA requires that

student-athletes must receive passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or the equivalent, in the

immediately preceding grading period in order to be eligible to participate.

Awarding Credit

Credit will be awarded and appear on a student’s next semester transcript following the completion and approval of credit

flex coursework. Please note: Credit flex classes will not appear on a student’s report card. Students will be notified of

credit and grade via email from the student’s counselor within a week of approval.

Retroactive Credit

Students will not be allowed to retroactively receive credit for courses or experiences taken prior to the submission of an

application. Therefore, all courses taken or credit gained prior to the approval of the committee will not be granted to


Resubmission Process

Students who wish to resubmit their application after concerns were raised and recommendations were made must do

so within TWO WEEKS after the decision was made. If this deadline has passed, the student may resubmit his/her

application for the deadline of the next session.

                 Before completing an application, make an appointment with your school counselor.
                           There may be a specific application required for your desired credit.

Steps for the Application Process
         1. Discuss possible credit flex plan with your counselor and parents.
         2. The application is available on our school website.
         3. Download related course information from the Ohio Department of Education Content Standards. You will
              need these guidelines to help you complete this application.
         4. Be prepared to attend a meeting to discuss your proposal or to re-submit it as necessary.
         5. Once the application is approved, the course must be completed as indicated by the committee.
         6. Accepted applications may be withdrawn anytime.

Timelines and Deadlines
Session 1- application deadline- SEPTEMBER 1

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