Page 19 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 19
The following policy will be in effect for the second unexcused absence from any class:
1. The teacher will mark the absence in SunGard.
2. The teacher refers the student to the Unit Principal for assignment of a Wednesday PM detention.
3. The Unit Principal will notify parents.
The following policy will be in effect for the third unexcused absence from any class:
1. The teacher will mark the absence in SunGard.
2. The teacher refers the student to the Unit Principal for assignment of two Wednesday PM
3. The Unit Principal will notify parents.
The following policy will be in effect for the fourth unexcused absence from any class:
1. The teacher will mark the absence in SunGard.
2. The teacher refers the student to the Unit Principal. Unit Principal will assign appropriate
consequence (additional Weds. PM detention, ISR, suspension)
3. The Unit Principal will notify parents.
Upon the fifth absence, excused or unexcused from class, an attendance warning letter will be mailed home
to parents to inform them of the significance of absences and ask that a meeting take place to discuss the
specifics with the Unit Principal and/or student assistance team.
If you know in advance that you will be absent from school, you must obtain an Advanced Absence form
from the Main Office. Complete and return it to the Main Office or the Attendance Office before the
absence. Advanced absence from school is excused when the student will be out of town or attending to
business that cannot be conducted outside of the school day. Making preparations for a trip such as packing,
running errands, etc. is not an acceptable reason for advanced absence.
If you need to keep an appointment during the school day, parents must call with that information prior to
9:00 AM. Your name and time of departure will be listed on the daily attendance sheet. You must sign out
in the Attendance Office before leaving, and sign in upon returning or the absence may be
unexcused. A doctor’s note will be required upon return to school for an absence or to be excused
for a medical appointment.
Excessive absence from the classroom presents a major obstacle to effective student learning. When students
are absent, they miss not only the information given, but also the interaction that adds to the overall learning
experience. The activities, which occur in a classroom, can never be totally replicated in "make-up" work.
Having the student in class on a regular basis is imperative if teachers and schools are to be held accountable
for the end result.