Page 21 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 21
All management of plagiarism, associated actions, and consequences are initially the responsibility of the
classroom teacher in collaboration with the Unit Principal. After an accusation of plagiarism, the student,
his/her parent[s] and the student’s Unit Principal will be notified. The Unit Principal will record this violation
in the student’s discipline record and assign consequences. In the case of summative assessments, the
classroom teacher will determine the alternative assignment, in order to ascertain the student learning,
although the grade may reflect a percentage reduction.
The Unit Principal may use the following guidelines for consequences:
1 Offense – Formative assignment = Wednesday PM Detention and a zero on the assignment
– Summative assignment = 2 Days of ISR and a 33% reduction in the student grade
Subsequent Offense Possibilities – OSS, expulsion, loss of credit, loss of leadership roles in the school,
and loss of college recommendation letters
The Clinic is located in the Main Office. Its purpose is to provide temporary first aid for minor injuries and
illness. If you need to go to the clinic, you must get a pass from your teacher. If you become ill during the
school day, do not stay in the restroom or you will be considered unexcused. If your condition is so severe
that you are unable to make it to the clinic, notify a teacher or have someone get help.
Students needing medication (Advil, Tylenol, cold medicine, etc.) during the day must report to the Clinic
and sign in. Parents will be notified to either:
1. Bring the medication to the student at school or give permission for the student to go home.
2. Any student leaving the building due to illness should not return to school that day.
COVID Procedures:
ACH guidelines recommend for student immediate medical isolation in preparation for school exclusion
(Student dismissal from school within 60 minutes):
Students entering the clinic will be screened for symptoms of COVID 19 including: fever (100 degrees or
higher), cough, shortness of breath, chills, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or
smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, congestion or runny nose. Any one of these symptoms alone or in
combination puts students at greater risk for COVID-19 infection necessitating immediate medical isolation
and student dismissal from school.
The district is following the Summit County Public Health guidelines for returning to school following
symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive COVID-19 test result. Those guidelines will be communicated by the
school nurse should a student show signs of COVID at school, and they can accessed with the following link: