Page 12 - 2021HHSHandbook2
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There is a nurse on staff at Hudson Middle School. The clinic staff will contact the parent/guardian if the
illness warrants their awareness.
For the health and safety of all students the following Health Guidelines for School Attendance are to be
adhered. Do not send your child to school if any of the following symptoms or conditions were present
in the last 24 hours:
Temperature above 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea during the previous evening or night,
undiagnosed rash, bacterial infections not treated for at least 24 hours, pus or mucus draining from
the eye and not treated by physician, severe headache, ear pain with fever, live lice, continuous
cough, severe sore throat, or unusually tired, pale, difficult to awake, lack of appetite.
Refer to the Clinic page on the HMS website for the most recent and up-to-date procedures.
See MEDICATIONS for more information. Students returning to school after an injury (e.g.,
concussion, fractured arm/leg) need to stop in the clinic and bring a physician note.
COVID Procedures:
ACH guidelines recommend for student immediate medical isolation in preparation for school
exclusion (Student dismissal from school within 60 minutes):
Students entering the clinic will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 including: fever (100 degrees
or higher), cough, shortness of breath, chills, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of
taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, congestion or runny nose. Any one of these symptoms
alone or in combination puts students at greater risk for COVID-19 infection necessitating immediate
medical isolation and student dismissal from school.
The district is following the Summit County Public Health guidelines for returning to school following
symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive COVID-19 test result. Those guidelines will be communicated
by the school nurse should a student show signs of COVID at school, and they can accessed with the
following link:
Hudson Middle School is organized into learning communities to help personalize education and provide
a sense of belonging for our students. Our communities consist of teaching teams at 6 , 7 , and 8 grade.
Each interdisciplinary team is comprised of teachers who teach language arts, math, science, and social
studies. The community structure has several advantages for students, parents, and teachers:
1. Better relationships among students due to a smaller group setting.
2. Unity and ownership among students through community activities, events and teaming.
3. Improvement of the instructional program as a result of interdisciplinary teaming of teachers.
Each year, students will be part of a community for that grade level. The names of our communities were
selected by our students and staff, signifying who we are and what we represent:
6th grade (Character Traits): Honor, Integrity, Respect, Service
7th grade (Explorers): Adventurers, Navigators, Trailblazers, Voyagers
8th grade (HMS Street Names): Elm, Franklin, Oviatt