Page 14 - 2021HHSHandbook2
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promotes violence against an individual or group of individuals because of their gender, color, race,
             religion, disability, or national origin, or otherwise constitutes sexual or other forms of harassment
             prohibited by Board policy or the Student Handbook; or that advertises, promotes, or depicts alcoholic
             beverages, tobacco products, or illegal drugs.

             Please note: The following are meant to be guidelines of appropriate dress for school and to contribute
             to the positive atmosphere at our school. They are not intended to be comprehensive. When considering
             clothing for school, think about whether it is something you would wear to work, at a restaurant, retail
             store, or doctor’s office. The final decision about any dress code violation will rest with the building

             The HMS student handbook outlines the Dress Code Policy as follows:

             Allowable Dress
                  School dress should be similar to what would be appropriate for an informal workplace or place of
                  Shorts or skirts should be an appropriate length.
                  Clothing must cover undergarments and private areas.
                  Clothing covering undergarments and private areas must be opaque.
                  Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education,
                    science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist. Specialized courses may
                    require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
                  Special permission must be granted by Administration for hats, bandannas, pajama pants, etc. to be
                    worn during the school day.
             Non-Allowable Dress
                  Clothing and accessories should not advertise or suggest drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illegal
                    substances, weapons, violence, profanity, hate speech, or obscenities.
                  Hats, hoods, bandannas, and all other head coverings should not be worn in the building during
                    the school day due to school safety concerns. Head coverings are permitted for religious purposes.
                  If the student’s attire or grooming threatens the health or safety of any other person, then
                    discipline for this violation will be consistent with discipline policies for similar violations.

             What will happen if I am sent to the office?
                  Students sent to the office for a dress code violation will first be asked if they have something else
                    to put on. The next alternative will be to call a parent to bring a change of clothes from home.
                  Our goal is to return students to the learning environment as quickly as possible, but students will
                    not be permitted to return to class until clothing is changed.
                  A student may be sent to In-School Restriction while waiting for a parent to arrive or if they
                    refuse to change clothes. Repeat offenders may warrant additional disciplinary consequences. Final
                    interpretations of appropriate dress and grooming reside with the building principal and/or
                    his/her designees.

             Refer to Board Policy: 5136                                                         Adopted 8/12/2009, Revised 6/29/20

             Cell Phone Use by HMS Students
            During the spring of 2020, we spent time talking with small groups of students to learn their perspectives
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