Page 22 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 22 prior to participation in open gyms, tryouts, practices or games.
Athletics- Fees
Middle School athletic participation fees are $100 per season.
The district will consider a request for a field trip based on the following criteria: 1) the trip has to
have an academic purpose and be endorsed by the building principal, 2) the trip has to be cost
neutral to the Board of Education and, 3) all involved students must be able to participate – no
student may be left behind due to their inability to pay.
When possible, middle school teams may incorporate a field trip during the school year to enhance the
students’ educational experiences. These field trips are academic in nature and are tied to the academic
content standards. Because students are given much freedom and responsibility when on a field trip, there
exist high expectations for students throughout the year to earn the privilege to attend the trip. Students
who are suspended or expelled may not be able to participate. On the day of the trip, any student who
has not earned the privilege to participate in the trip will remain at school and will be provided an alternate
Guidelines for medication administration during school field trips will follow the current Board of
Education Medication Administration Policy. See MEDICATIONS for more information. Students
receiving medications on school trips must have the appropriate medication forms completed
with physician and parent signatures.
The HMS School Counseling program addresses the academic, career, and personal/social development
of all students. In partnership with parents, teachers, and administration, HMS counselors act as advocates
to maximize student potential and academic success.
Students’ social and emotional well-being is a priority of our school and our district. When students enter
Hudson Middle School, their grade level is connected with a school counselor, who loops with that class
of students all three years they attend HMS. This allows the counselor to build relationships with the
students and their families consistently throughout their middle school years. The counselor also has the
ability to provide background information to each team of teachers, so the team can build on the students’
successes from the previous year.
Individual/Group Counseling
School Counselors provide individual and group counseling in conflict resolution, social and emotional
health, and academic success.
Classroom Guidance
School Counselors provide instruction in the classroom, promoting the well-being of each student as a
member of the Hudson community as a whole.
Individual Student Planning
School Counselors assist in planning student schedules for the following year and aid them in concerns