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about their present courses.

            School Counselors communicate with parents, teachers, staff, and administration when concerns arise to
            address emerging student needs, with the goal of making student life at HMS a supportive and rewarding

            Parents/Guardians are encouraged to call the Middle School Counseling office anytime a concern arises.
            Counselors can also assist with outside referrals for community resources upon request.

            Check the guidance website for helpful information on current and relevant topics.


            The classes available at the middle school are designed to provide a curriculum that is relevant,
            challenging, integrative, and exploratory, as per the Association for Middle Level Education. Please refer
            to our HMS Curriculum Guide for courses offered.

             B. SCHEDULE CHANGES

            Drop Policy
            After the first week, students may drop an elective course during first quarter with parent permission. Any
            elective course dropped before the end of the first nine weeks, with approval, will be dropped without
            penalty. After the first quarter, students may not drop elective course, unless with administrative approval.

            Add Policy
            Students who are eligible to enroll in 8th grade World Language must do so within the first seven days of
            the school year, due to the significant amount of information covered.

            Elective Policy
            For students with an IEP or 504, we understand that additional supports and services may be needed
            during this time, based on IEP and 504 team decisions, in lieu of elective programming. If this is the case
            for your child, you will be contacted by a case manager or guidance counselor.

             C.  GRADE INFORMATION

            Letter grades are issued at Hudson Middle School.  End of quarter report cards will be available on your
            child’s Home Access Center account.  Final year-end report cards will be mailed home at the end of the
            school year.  Parents may view their child’s progress at any time through HAC.

                  Grading Scale:
                  98.75 -100    A+
                  95 – 98.74    A
                  91 – 94.99    A-
                  88 – 90.99    B+
                  84.5 – 87.99   B
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