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             The term “tobacco” includes any product that contains tobacco, is derived from tobacco, contains nicotine, or e-
             cigarettes and other electronic smoking devices (including but not limited to "JUULs"), but does not include any
             cessation product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use as a medical treatment to
             reduce or eliminate nicotine or tobacco dependence.

             In order to protect students and staff who choose not to use tobacco from an environment noxious to them, the
             Board prohibits the possession, consumption, purchase or attempt to purchase and/or use of tobacco or tobacco
             substitute products by students at all times on Board premises, in Board-owned vehicles, within any indoor facility
             owned or leased or contracted for by the Board, and/or used to provide education or library services to children,
             and at all Board-sponsored events. This prohibition extends to any Board-owned and/or operated vehicles used to
             transport students and to all other Board-owned and/or operated vehicles. Such prohibition also applies to school
             grounds, athletic facilities, and any school-related event.


             In accordance with Policy 9700.01, tobacco advertising is prohibited on school grounds, in all school-sponsored
             publications, and at all school-sponsored events.

             Students who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of
             Conduct/Student Discipline Code and in accordance with policies of the Board.

             Revised 3/26/12
             Revised 9/10/20

             © Neola 2019

             Refer to board policy:  5530                               Adopted 8/1/09 Revised 1/4/10

             No student shall possess, transmit, conceal, consume, show evidence of having consumed, including
             presence on breath, use or offer for sale any alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, un-prescribed drugs,
             prescription drugs, or mind altering substance while on school grounds or facilities; at school-sponsored
             events; in other situations under the authority of the District or in controlled vehicles. Included in this
             prohibition are any substances represented as a controlled substance, nonalcoholic beers, steroids, tobacco
             and tobacco products or drug paraphernalia.

             Students found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as described below up to and
             possibly including expulsion and referral for prosecution. Students involved in school-sponsored and/or
             Board endorsed extracurricular activities are subject to the regulations outlined in Policy 5610.

             Suspected Use
             When a school employee suspects a student may be using alcohol or other drugs, teachers and staff
             members will be provided with specially prepared Behavioral Tracking Forms. These forms will be
             completed and returned to the Student Assistance Program Coordinator (SAPC) for review within five (5)

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