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distribution for the first time. A finding will be reached only upon the consideration of all of the
circumstances, evidence of the incident and in accordance with the law and Board Policy.
A. The student may be immediately removed from school and notified of a recommendation for
expulsion in accordance with Board Policy.
B. The incident will be immediately reported to local law enforcement authorities for investigation
and possible prosecution.
C. As a result of the violation(s), information will be obtained by the Student Assistance Team and
other possible sources to formulate the best possible plan of intervention.
D. When appropriate alternatives to expulsion may be presented at the expulsion hearing. This may include
agreement for professional assessment, and follow through with the clinical recommendations of the assessment
professional. Should the parent(s) or guardian(s) reject these alternatives, or the student fail to complete these
alternatives within the time frame outlined, the expulsion recommendation will remain intact.
E. Subsequent violations of the policy relating to use and possession and/or sales, transmission or
distribution may result in immediate removal with recommendation for expulsion, immediate
police notification and investigation, and requirement to complete a professional assessment and
follow-through with the clinical recommendations of the assessment professional.
F. If a student with disabilities violates this policy, the Student Assistance Team will include
representatives of the student's education team. The team will review the student's current
educational program, the relationship between the student's behavior and the disability and other
relevant factors. In addition to reporting the student to local law enforcement authorities, and the
signing of a no-use contract by the student and parent(s) or guardian(s), the team will, if necessary,
recommend appropriate educational programming in accordance with the law.
Extended Absence for Hospitalization
A student who is absent from school due to hospitalization in a treatment center will be treated the same
way as any student requiring hospitalization. This automatically provides an extension of excused days
absent for the student, and credit will not be withheld on that basis. Dependent upon the length of
treatment, the student, when s/he returns, will resume his/her previously scheduled classes. It would
follow that, if treatment extends into the second or next semester, the new schedule will be followed. If a
student has received an "incomplete" grade during hospitalization, appropriate time will be given in order
for the student to make up the work.
If, prior to hospitalization, the student had not maintained a passing average in a quarter or semester
course, advice of the counselor should be sought to determine alternatives including enabling the child to
participate in the course. It is advisable that year-long credit courses be maintained for possible credit. In
addition, credit will be granted for course work completed satisfactorily at the treatment center.
Guidance counselors will alert the teachers of the returning student to provide good communication and
unified approach in dealing with make-up work.
Prevention and Education
The District will take a comprehensive, progressive, age-appropriate approach in the development of
curricula and programs which promote positive life-skill development, low-risk health and impairment
choices and an awareness of the consequences associated with alcohol and other drug use. The guidelines,
goals, and objectives for prevention and education development will be consistent with the Ohio
Department of Education recommendations. Additionally, opportunities for continued alcohol and other