Page 72 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 72
Appeal to the Court
Under State law, the decision of the Board may be further appealed to the Court of Common Pleas.
C. Community Service
The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may require a student to perform community (including the
School District) services in conjunction with or in place of an expulsion or suspension. This may also extend
beyond the end of the school year in lieu of applying the suspension or expulsion into the following school
year. This provision does not apply to students expelled or suspended for bringing a firearm to a school
operated by the Board or onto property owned or controlled by the Board.
D. Students subject to emergency removal:
Students whose conduct warrants emergency removal shall be dealt with in accordance with the rights and
procedures outlined in Policy 5610.03 – Emergency Removal.
E. Students subject to permanent exclusion:
Students whose conduct is that for which permanent exclusion is warranted shall be dealt with in accordance
with the rights and procedures outlined in Policy 5610.01 – Permanent Exclusion of Nondisabled Students.
F. Students subject to suspension from bus riding/transportation privileges:
Students whose conduct warrants suspension from bus riding and/or transportation services shall be dealt
with in accordance with the rights and procedures outlined in Policy 5610.04 Suspension of Bus
Riding/Transportation Privileges.
The Superintendent shall ensure that all members of the staff use the above procedures when dealing with
students. In addition, this statement of due process rights is to be placed in all student handbooks in a
manner that will facilitate understanding by students and their parents.
These procedures shall not apply to in-school disciplinary alternatives including in school suspensions. An
in-school suspension is one served entirely within a school setting. Nor shall these disciplinary alternative
procedures apply to students who are prohibited by authorized school personnel from all or part of their
participation in co-curricular, interscholastic, and/or non-interscholastic extra-curricular activities.
Refer to Board Policy: 5310 Adopted 8/1/09
The Board of Education may require students of the District to submit to health examinations to:
A. protect the school community from the spread of communicable disease;
B. verify that the learning potential of each child is not lessened by a remediable physical disability.
The District may provide or request parents to provide:
A. general physical examinations for athletics;
B. dental examinations;
C. tests for communicable disease;
D. vision and/or audiometric screening;
E. scoliosis tests.