Page 75 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 75

F. others as designated by student’s IEP and/or 504 plan

            No employee will be required to administer a drug to a student if the employee objects, on the basis of
            religious convictions, to administering the drug.

            With the exception of diabetes care covered under Policy 5336, the Board shall permit the administration
            by a licensed nurse or other authorized staff member of any medication requiring intravenous or
            intramuscular injection or the insertion of a device into the body when both the medication and the
            procedure are prescribed by a licensed health professional authorized to prescribe drugs and the
            nurse/staff member has completed any and all necessary training.

            Students who may require administration of an emergency medication may have such medication in their
            possession upon written authorization of their parent(s) or, such medication, upon being identified as
            aforenoted, may be stored in the health clinic office and administered in accord with this policy and policy

            The Superintendent shall prepare administrative guidelines, as needed, to address the proper
            implementation of this policy.

             Refer to Board Policy: 5341                                                       Adopted 8/1/09

             Annually, before the first day of October, the Board of Education will distribute to parents or guardians of
             all students the Emergency Medical Authorization Form (Form 5341 F1). Thereafter, the Board shall, within
             thirty (30) days after the entry of any student for the first time into a public school in this State, provide the
             child's parent with a copy of the Emergency Medical Authorization Form.
             When the Form is returned to the District with either Part I or Part II completed, the District shall keep the
             Form on file, and shall send the Form to any school to which the student is transferred. Upon request of
             the student's parent, the District may permit the parent to make changes in a previously filed Form, or to
             file a new Form.

             In  the  event  emergency  medical  treatment  for  a  student  is  necessary,  the  District  will  adhere  to  the
             instructions on the authorization form. If a parent refuses to grant consent for emergency medical treatment,
             the parent must indicate in the proper place on the Form (i.e., Part II) the procedure the parent wishes
             school authorities to follow in the event of a medical emergency involving his/her child.

             Even if a parent grants consent for emergency medical treatment, when a student becomes ill or is injured
             and requires emergency medical  treatment  while  under school authority,  or while engaged  in  an extra-
             curricular activity authorized by the appropriate school authorities, the building administrator(s) shall make
             reasonable attempts to contact the parent before treatment is given. The school representative shall present
             the student's Emergency Medical Authorization Form or a copy thereof to the hospital or practitioner
             rendering treatment.

             The Emergency Medical Authorization Form will be kept in a separate, easily accessible file in each school
             building during the school year.
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