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CONFERENCES                                                      DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES

Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress with    See STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
his/her teachers. There are various ways to communicate
with teachers; e-mail, voice mail and conferences. Visit our     DRESS AND GROOMING
website at for a complete listing of
teacher e-mails. Voice mail can be reached by calling 330-       Board Policy: 5511
653-1316. During school-wide conference days, teachers           The Board of Education recognizes that each student's
first begin scheduling conferences with parents whose            mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of personal
children are experiencing difficulties, then fill in openings    style and individual preference. The Board will not interfere
with requests from other parents. Additional conferences         with the right of students and their parents to make decisions
may be requested by parents or teachers throughout the           regarding their appearance, except when their choices
year.                                                            interfere with the educational program of the schools. The
                                                                 Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish a
SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM                                        reasonable dress code in order to promote a safe and
                                                                 healthy school setting and enhance the educational
The HMS School Counseling program addresses the                  environment. The dress code shall be incorporated into the
academic, career, and personal/social development of all         Student Code of Conduct or Discipline Code.
students. In partnership with parents, teachers, and             Accordingly, the Superintendent shall establish such
administration, HMS counselors act as advocates to               grooming guidelines as are necessary to promote discipline,
maximize student potential and academic success.                 maintain order, secure the safety of students, and provide a
                                                                 healthy environment conducive to academic purposes. Such
Individual/Group Counseling                                      guidelines shall prohibit student dress or grooming practices
School Counselors provide individual and group counseling        which:
in conflict resolution, social and emotional health, and
academic success.                                                   A. present a hazard to the health or safety of the student
                                                                          himself/herself or to others in the school;
Classroom Guidance
School Counselors provide instruction in the classroom,             B. materially interfere with school work, create disorder,
promoting the well-being of each student as a member of the               or disrupt the educational program;
Hudson community as a whole.
                                                                    C. cause excessive wear or damage to school property;
Individual Student Planning                                         D. prevent the student from achieving his his/her own
School Counselors assist in planning student schedules for
the following year and aid them in concerns about their                   educational objectives because of blocked vision or
present courses.                                                          restricted movement.

Consultation                                                     Clothing is prohibited that bears statements, slogans,
School Counselors communicate with parents, teachers,            images, illustrations, or insignia that are indecent, offensive,
staff, and administration when concerns arise to address         obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar; or that harasses, threatens,
emerging student needs, with the goal of making student life     intimidates, demeans, suggests, or promotes violence
at HMS a supportive and rewarding experience.                    against an individual or group of individuals because of their
                                                                 gender, color, race, religion, disability, or national origin, or
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to call the Middle School       otherwise constitutes sexual or other forms of harassment
Counseling office anytime a concern arises. Counselors can       prohibited by Board policy or the Student Handbook; or that
also assist with outside referrals for community resources       advertises, promotes, or depicts alcoholic beverages,
upon request.                                                    tobacco products, or illegal drugs.

Check the guidance website for helpful information on            Such guidelines shall establish the dress requirements for
current and relevant topics.                                     members of the athletic teams, bands, and other school
                                                                 groups when representing the District at a public event.
                                                                 The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines
Hudson Middle School social events are held throughout the       to implement this policy which:
year. These events are for Hudson Middle School students
only.                                                               A. designate the principal as the arbiter of
                                                                          student dress and grooming in his/her
School rules and regulations (including the dress code)                   building;
apply at the dances. Discipline problems, including improper              Final interpretations of appropriate dress and
dress, at a dance may result in the removal of the student,               grooming reside with the building principal and/or
and a call home for parental transportation. Discipline                   his/her designees. The building administrator may
problems deemed to be of a serious nature by the                          make modifications to this code if special events or
administration may result in a student losing his/her privilege           activities are planned. Nothing herein is intended to
to attend future after school activities.                                 interfere with a student’s ability to exercise
                                                                             his/her religious rights. Students may apply for an
Students must be picked up on time or they will be                        exemption from this policy if it interferes with a
transported to the Safety Center by the police for parent                 sincerely held religious belief.
                                                                    B. Instruct staff members to demonstrate by example
                                                                          and precept wholesome attitudes towards neatness,
                                                                          cleanliness, propriety, modesty, and good sense in
                                                                          attire and appearance.

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