Page 6 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2020-21
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HCSD GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Twenty-one credits (21) which must include the following:
English 4 credits ½ credit in Literature required senior year
Mathematics**** 4 credits Must include 2 credits beyond Algebra 1 and Geometry
Social Studies 3 credits Must include 1 U.S. History, 1 World History, and ½ U.S. Govt
Science 3 credits 3 years of lab science: Including Physical Science, Biology and
advanced study in one or more of the following: Chemistry, Physics
or other physical science; advanced biology or other life science
(Anatomy/Physiology); physical geology or other earth/space science
Physical Education ½ credit Foundations of Physical Education required, plus 1 more PE elective
Health* ½ credit
Fine Arts** 1 credit All students must complete at least two semesters of Fine Arts**
(Visual/Performing/Applied Arts) taken any time in grades 7-12.
Computer Science ½ credit
Additional Courses 4.5 credits Combination of electives from: World Language, Fine Arts**,
Business & Computer Science, Technology. and/or Career-Technical
Instruction in economics/ financial literacy***
Total: 21 Credits
*Recommended for freshman year (summer school options exist)
**Fine Arts include all Visual/Performing/Applied Arts (except Engineering Drawing): All Visual Art electives such as Art
Foundations, Drawing, Painting, Digital Photography; all Performing Arts such as Band, Choir, Music Creation, Musical Theatre
AND Graphic Arts 1, 2, Advanced Graphics, Industrial Design 1 & 2, Video Production electives in Technology, Motion Graphics,
Video Production, and Advanced Video Production
***HHS presents several options to integrate the economics/financial literacy requirement of the Ohio Core: Integrated
Computer Applications (Business & Computer Science Dept.), Transitions or Independent Living (Family & Consumer Sciences
Dept.) or a test-out option through the Guidance Department
****Students may earn up to 1 math credit for successful completion of Computer Science 1 (1/2 credit), AP Computer Science
Principles or AP Computer Science A (new in 2018-19, from HB170)
A summary of the current HCSD graduation requirements is provided below:
English language arts 4 units
Health ½ unit
Mathematics 4 units1
Physical education ½ unit2
Science 3 units3
Social studies 3 units4
Electives 5 units5
Total: 21 credits
Other Requirements (footnotes on page 7)
Economics and financial literacy6
Fine arts6